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GOG, OBSE, MO, and Oblivion.


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To the point; Is there any mods I can't use with the GOG version over the Steam Version? Does it really matter? In my head, it shouldn't matter, but my head and reality are disconnected at times.


OBSE & Mod Organizer... Do these two not interact well? Or not? I honestly can't tell. I have a couple OBSE mods installed, and they seem to work fine, and running the OBSE tester mod and checking the OBSE.log both gives me the A-OK in written format, that Mod Organizer does in fact run OBSE.

Enhanced Camera for Oblivion, an OBSE plugin, doesn't work through MO though. So OBSE tester and the log, are both lying. I am confused...


It seems MO really doesn't handle the plugins directory or something. I tried running it without any mods on a clean profile through MO, except for the base OBSE scripts and Enhanced Camera enabled, but no dice.


So is the lesson here... Don't use the GOG version?
Or is it Don't launch OBSE through MO?
Or is it simply: Don't use MO?


Edited by SiniVII
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I don't use Mod Organiser myself, but I understand that OBSE and all OBSE plugins must be manually installed in the actual game folders not installed via MO into it's virtual folder system.


Mods will work with any legitimate version of the game, providing the mod's requirements are met.

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Thanks for the answer.


I resolved it by following my second conclusion:Don't launch OBSE through MO and stuff it directly into the Oblivion directory.

After having used MO for a couple years, every fiber in my body is screaming "NOOOOOOOO! YOU GOTTA KEEP THE INSTALL FOLDER CLEAN!!!" But I can deal with that.


So yeah, resolved!

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