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Custom sounds not working

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So I've been trying to make a mod that has sound effects play via a script.


The problem is that the sound effects preview fine in the editor, but don't play when called via script in-game.


Here's how the sound is set up in the Construction Set:




Here's what the script call looks like:

PlaySound KQBombDetonationSNDClick

That script code is called via the caster of a spell. I know that the function call should work as I've already replaced the custom sounds with a default one and heard it work.


I've even put the sound file into a BSA with the BSA's name being the plugin name, and that didn't work.


I've attached the sfx file just in case if that's where I messed up. I used audacity and saved it as a 32-bit wav at 44khz. If anyone can help me, I'd be really grateful!



Edited by ClarkWasHere
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VLC plays the attached sound file just fine. Maybe checking the 2D tickbox would have some effect? For example, a tutorial over at TES Alliance recommends ticking the 2D box if the audio is not mono: link


Other than that, there might have been some requirements with regars to bitrate (constant at some value) and the like for dialogue audio, but I cannot remember what they were, exactly, and the requirements probably do not apply for norma sounds anyway, I would imagine? :huh:


Edit: There exists a post by fore over here that links to the CS wiki page for dialogue audio, in case some of it would be relevant for other audio (no idea if any of it would be).

Edited by Contrathetix
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