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"Liga of my companions" vs. "AmazingFollowerTweaks"?


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As far as I can tell, these two mods accomplish BASICALLY the same thing; I'm a bit unsure of which one I should go with. Anyone here have a preference, and if so, why? Could really use some help in my decision, and I imagine others could use some help choosing one as well!

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These two modes are the same in the basis, but completely different in gameplay.

A little comparison of these mods is in this thread.


I would advise you to study the description of these mods well and play with each of them for a short time. You will quickly understand which of the mods suits you best. For savegame do not worry, just delete mods in accordance with the instructions of each of them. If you have any problems, write in the theme of this mod. Each of the authors will be happy to help you.


Everyone is interested the newest mods and help in correcting bugs. Comparison of mods is unlikely to anyone here it will be interesting.


Easy choice and a pleasant game!

Edited by Iggdrasil7
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