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no kill cam


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Bethesda added a new global variable. killmovesrandom to go with killmoves. The mod I had set the killmoves variable to 0. Ok so i never got a pre 1.5 kill move. I set the new variable to 0 instead of 50 and the killmoves still apeared(possible save game issue). using the console it worked but I want a permanent change so I never see them ever again.


Would that variable be stored in the save game and my mod to remove them works?

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LOL Rabbit that didn't answer my question! :wallbash: :tongue:


I absolutely despise killcams or the like in any game. It breaks the flow of the game for me. Worst cams are in racing games, I always crash right after one lol. Why Bethesda chooses to not have a simple checkbox in the settings to shut it off i dont know.

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LOL Rabbit that didn't answer my question!


No, it didn't and my most sincere apologies that it didn't. I just wanted to express my appreciation for a good find on your part. But, alas, I do not have an answer to your question. Sorry.




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Its cool Rabbit. I was just joking with you.


It wasn't much of a good find on my part as the original mod maker had already found the killcam variable and how to shut it off in a mod rather than a console "set <globalvariable> to <number>" command. i just noticed the new one.


Odd thing is the original killmoves variable was set as 1 and the killmovesrandom is set for 50. I have no idea why or what the difference is between 1 and 50 except 48 numbers. console command to set the variable to 0 worked though so i am thinking setting the mod to have 0 as the default variable will work with a new game and i spent 2 hours mucking about when it was already fixed in the mod just not implemented because of the save.


My thoughts:

1. FU Bethesda for forcing kill cams on us.

2. FU again for making our mods useless because you wanted to show off your animations to the kiddies.

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I think the reason why the global variable KillMoveRandom's value isn't getting saved in your game is because the value is checked as constant. When checked, the value will not be saved to the game save file. So you just need to uncheck constant and it should save with your game without you having to change it with console everytime. But, I think even if the value is set to 0 there is still a rare chance you'll still get a killmove.


I hope some of this helps :ermm:

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