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The Skyrim Civil War and Elder Scrolls 6


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It seems like choosing a side in the Civil War is a pretty big deal, something that would get carried down through the books of the Elder Scrolls 6.


Problem: It's a choice. Some people went with Imperials, others with Stormcloaks. I personally went with the empire.


What do you think? Will we have some Mass Effect-like upload thing going on? Or maybe we'll have a Daggerfall-style Dragonbreak-- that is, both choices occurred at once, but in the end it won't matter?


Or possibly...since the Civil War is the last in the series of prophetic events, then maybe this is Bethesda's way of saying that this is it. Everyone would hate that, and there's still 4 provinces (and then some other continents) to explore. And we could even revisit some continents-- I wouldn't mind going to Daggerfall in Skyrim's graphics (albeit, with the landmasses scaled more to the size of Oblivion or Skyrim-- Daggerfall was pretty much 1:1 in terms of scale, and it was massive!).


So anyway...thoughts?


I don't mind spoilers if you have them, I've done everything; just make sure to say so in case someone else hasn't.

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