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Please HELP w/multiple problems!


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1.5 is another mess of problems. I had pixelating problems, but I got the problem to go away by turning off anti-aliasing. However, I have two WORSE problems:


1. I can no longer fast travel.

2. Enemies don't recognize me as an enemy unless I attack them first.



Edited by Atreyuu2003
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Hey, I appreciate all the help, folks! Thanks again!


For all those who don't know how to fix this problem, I have figured it out...start the game over. If you can no longer fast travel or if enemies don't recognize you as such, it means that your Save Files are corrputed by the 1.5 patch. The way around this is to delete your corrupted files, and reinstall your backed up save files. Or do like I did, and just start the freakin' game over again.

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I can't change my character's appearance, nor can I overwrite any save files, so I'm thinking about starting over as well to see if that helps...
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