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Looking For Soul Gem Mod


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If you're a wizard like me, you probably have all the types of soul gems in your inventory and you soul trap like crazy.


Well, let's just say you accidentally soul trap a cliff racer and you ran out of petty soul gems. Or, you soul trap a certain creature and have no idea which soul gem the soul fits into. You end up with a Grand Soul Gem that's wasted because it now has a crappy soul in it.


Does anyone know of a mod that only allows a soul to be trapped in the minimum soul gem it can fit in?


Let's just say I have a two grand soul gems wasted because they have a scamp and a dreugh inside of them. Pretty damn useless.

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Yes, I know that already. That's precisely the problem. If you soultrap a rat, and all you have is a grand soulgem, the rat gets trapped into the grand soulgem. A perfectly good waste of a soulgem, especially when it could contain a golden saint. Wouldn't you agree?

Certainly. However, as i said, the soul goes into the smallest gem it can fit into. If you have a smaller gem, then the soul automatically goes into that. Just carry lots of Lesser and Common gems for your regular catches, and Azura's Star and grand gems for your more rare ones.

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