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Free camera mod?


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Ok, here is my problem: (it will be hard to explain it in english but whatever) the third person camera in Skyrim is locked behind the player.I mean, whenever I move my mouse the crosshair moves too and so does my character.The character looks/faces where I point my mouse/crosshair.I do not want that cause I can't play like that.I need a free moving camera similar to non combat mod in Skyrim, or other games like Fable.I don't wanna target at wherever I look.It's irritating.I've been searching for this everywhere but found nothing.If there's any mod that can do this or If there's any way to do this mod please tell me (I'm in desperate need).Thanks.
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Hi lolacan,


If I understand your request, I attempted something very similar to what you’re asking for but was only partially successful in the implementation. I was looking for a way to replace the strafing and backward moving animations with directional animations, similar to what you would see in Fable, the earlier Mass Effect games, and other 3rd-person action games. I simply took the standard forward animation and rotated it and replaced each of the remaining 7 directional animations. In game this method works fine for unarmed movement animations, but something was wrong with my conversion process so the animations are glitchy (for example, the character’s head sinks into its neck, the hand compresses into the arm, and the sheathed weapon sticks out of the body on a weird angle). I’m discouraged by the difficulty of getting working animations back into the game, so I haven’t made any further attempts. I hope that someone with more experience eventually takes an interest in a project like this.


In the meantime, check out Catwalk Fix by xp32:




The walking animations are directional as I’ve described, but since the vanilla running animations aren’t, you’re going to get some weird behavior when transitioning from a walk to a run. Still, this may serve as a partial solution. Good luck.

Edited by antirobot
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  • 3 weeks later...

the command for the 360 degree rotation camera is ingame but only accessible via console "set animcam to 1" or similar. "


for basic camera rotation functionality while walking and in combat all that is needed is to bind this command to a key or the middle mouse so it can be toggled on when the key is held down and then return to normal camera when key is not depressed.


Unfortunately while this may sound simple it seems its quite difficult to do and probably requires the script extender which may or may not yet have the functionality required.


Im eagerly awaiting some talented modder to pull this off. for me this would be the number one mod in the entire game.

Edited by leapinglizard
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  • 4 weeks later...

I think what he means is a free spinning 3rd person camera like Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

While in 3rd person moving the mouse will turn your character in the direction you want to move, but if you hold down the middle mouse button you can rotate the camera around your character and continue to move forward or strafe left/right.


Skyrim does not let you do this. If your character is moving at all the camera is locked behind you even with the middle mouse button pressed. I have been waiting for a mod that makes the camera behave more like the Fallout: NV camera for a long time. It would be great for making sure your braindead companions haven't wandered off somewhere or making sure the next dragon doesn't sneak up on you from behind.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 2 years later...



At first this mod seems nothing like what you wanted, but because of what it does and how it does it, a side feature is that it can unlock the camera direction from you characters direction. You can bind it to your mouse wheel (although that makes it harder to pan in and out while looking) and continue to have full control of your character (except turning). Great for sprinting for cover while watching where the dragon is going, checking out your awesomely detailed character while drawing a bow, etc.


If you're like me and only want to use this mod for the free cam and/or use a different mod for viewing your body in first person, I recommend getting the older version that still has MCM support. I believe most of the updates are for fixing its FP mode.

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