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CK help - Letter/Book text become squares


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Hey all,

I'm currently trying to make quests and the like. But I keep having this annoying issue with books and letters. Which is that in-game (Newly made) books/letters have squares instead of text.


Like this


I've tried googling it but those searches all seem to be about menu text. So I am hoping that somebody here can tell me what can cause this or what I am (probably) doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Also I should maybe note, I do use a menu font replace if that matters anything.

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It could be your language settings in Windows. Text has to be saved in UTF-8 or ASCII format. If you paste in a text encoding that it doesn't understand, then you get squares.


You might be able to fix it by using Notepad++ and setting the encoding to one of the above and then pasting it into the CK (Ctrl+V to paste - there's no right-click option). Or there might be some Windows region settings that could work (maybe "Current language for non-Unicode programs"?).

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Thanks for the reply! I've tried using the Notepad++ suggestion, but sadly to no avail. (Saved in UTF-8)

Also went through the region/language settings but I don't think that has anything to do with it. Region is Europe and language is English or Dutch, and IIRC those are standard ASCII?
Guess I'll have to poke around a bit more

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I also noticed that your markup is incomplete (missing closing tags), but I looked through the CK and some of the vanilla stuff is like that too. Are you sure it supports the "kerning" tag? I haven't seen that anywhere. You can also combine similar tags if you want. Oh, and I just noticed that "$Handwritten" should be "$HandwrittenFont" or "$HandwrittenBold". Could you try this:

<font face='$HandwrittenFont' size='18'>Test,

This is a test

A test indeed

I was using this guide as a reference.

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