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A World of Pain


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I guess whoever played Fallout NV and used mods will know this mod.




It add a lot of places on the landscape aswell in underground / big buildings / places filled with loot and monsters.


So if anyone is interested, wouldnt it be amazing to make this in Skyrim aswell?


Skyrim is big and not every square of it is interesting.


there are a lot of places where you dont meet anyone / dont find anythin intersting / wish there would be sth to explore filled with strong unique monsters (lore friendly ofc)


Maybe you can make in cooperation with http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9694 to fill the places with unique strong monsters.


I dont like the wars in skyrim mod that just fills the game with monsters, they should be in places together with loot n maybe even quests to make adventures. (nothing against the author of wars in skyrim, is epic nice mod)


however.. I hope you got my point ^^


important note would be to keep it lore friendly and dont touch any vanilla locations to avoid making the vanilla experience suffer from it (I've been one shotted once I installed wars in skyrim and I stopped using it until I reached Highlevel)


well.. what are you guys saying..? good idea? crap? if crap, why? ;)

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Have you sent a message to the creator of the New Vegas World of Pain? I wonder if he'd be interested in working on a similar thing for Skyrim. Not to mention he'd already be familiar with Bethesda's sorta "set-up" if you know what I mean, and familiar with how a mod like that works.
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  • 1 year later...

I was thinking of a mod to create with Skyrim, and I haven't seen A world of Pain for Skyrim yet, so I'll talk to the developer of the original ones for Fallot 3 and Fallout: New Vegas and ask to use the name (just to be courteous) I'll post back here, as well as create a new topic for ideas if all goes well.

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Well, some new areas could be added, but definitely not as much as World of Pain added to New Vegas.


Skyrim is MUCH more filled with different caves, houses etc. than New Vegas, it'd end up too messy.


However, adding new buildings (Small castles, fortresses, towers, homes etc.) would be good addition, and of course some of those would be filled with different enemies.


Adding more caves.. Maybe good, maybe not. There is already tons of caves in Skyrim, at least I'd love to see some more actual buildings.

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