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Missing Meshes for Castle Legacy mod


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Requires Better cities resource, Cobl, and two other things that really don't matter.


I go into the castle. There's a ton of uniquely textured things, however there are also quite a few missing meshes. A lot of these would be plates, tables, and other etc. I thought it might be Cobl, and reinstalled that multiple times, to no avail (I think there might be even more missing meshes now)...


...it's been frustrating, what do you think?


I tried Wrye Bash, by the way, which I really have no knowledge of. Someone tried to walk me through it, but ended up saying "I can't help you" and left. I made my own bashed patch, but I always have to delete it because it causes Oblivion to exit out on startup.


I just need so much help...

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