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Fallout 4 worth buying ?


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Fallout 4 has been, for me, a good investment. Between the hours I have put into the game modding it, and the hours I have played, it is worth the time, and money, to find the game with season pass. Or, as some people call it the GOTY version. I actually pre-ordered the game, and got a lot of goodies with it. It was worth the money I spent, at the time, to pre-order it. I may not have the hours some people have spent in game, I do, though, have the hours spent on combing through the mods, and picking and choosing which mods I like, which I don't. Which ones don't play well with each other, etc. I have, probably, installed, and uninstalled, the game a few times. I have grown in the time since I bought it, and it has been a decent game. I do want to say to also get Fallout 3 GOTY and Fallout New Vegas GOTY, or whatever it is. Both are great games, as well. I did, even, buy, on sale at Best Buy, of all places, the entire Elder Scrolls series, including Skyrim. I received for free Skyrim Special Edition. I am still looking for, and waiting on mods, for that game. However, before I digress too far, I want to say for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, you may want to mod the games. I will say take a look on youtube for Gopher's set up for both games with Mod Organizer. Also, Dirty Weasel Media's coverage of Mod Organizer. It is in depth, but both are well organized, and Cal's are fairly detailed, but not overly so. back on point now, Fallout 4, when I was looking at it, was $40 USD for the GOTY edition. That was on sale. It is worth the extra to get the GOTY edition, though.

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