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Is this the A-Bomb?

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Hello, ladies and gents!


In my latest technical support curiosity, I'd love to know... am I under ABomb attack?


I've read a fair bit about it, and I'd love to avoid this game-crippling bug, but if it's the savegame's time, then there's not much I can do about it. The picture below will help reference what happened:




I'm currently sitting at 260 hours (give or take), and I was just clearing out Sedor when Sonia took some heavy damage, necessitating the use of a healing potion or something. The swirly animation carried through to completion, and then stuck when it should have started dissipating. We ran around for a few minutes, and the halo of healing energy stayed present. I re-summoned her a half dozen times, and each time it stuck again.


So I saved and ran the Oblivion Animation Fixer. Loaded back in... problem persists. Closed back out, this time running Wrye Bash's Abomb fixer... (was at 68%). Loaded back in... problem persists! So now I'm growing concerned, so I ran the Abomb fixer on the latest save before the problem occurred, loaded the game, and viola! No problem (yet).


So my tech support question for the gurus out there is, is this a sign of the Abomb, or some other random glitch that acts similar, but has different causes? And if this is a sign of Abomb attack, are there any other tools out there I should try to locate that might work better than OAF or Wyre Bash? (Alright... so that's more like two questions... and a half.)


EDIT: I suppose I should add; the only reason why I'm asking is because while the problem is fixed (for now), I'd like to see if there's a better way of handling this, as the next time, I might not be so lucky!

Edited by DragonKnightBob
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The fact that neither WB nor OAF were able to fix the 'broken' save makes me suspect it's not A-Bomb related. If you still have the pre-fixed version of the 'stuck' save you could try loading it on a clean session (game restarted from the desktop) to see if it persists. I'd also look carefully through your load list looking for anything that may affect magic effects.


My first experience with the A-Bomb was with it in a very advanced state. Animations were stuck almost to the point of being frozen. The game was also very nearly unplayable by then, where my character was also nearly frozen waiting for the animations to play.

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The symptom of A-Bomb is the animations slow waaay down, but do not freeze in place. Flames and magic effects move very slowly, and will jerk as they move. Chests and doors take a looong time to open or close. Menus take a long time to open.

Both OAF or Wrye Bash do an excellent job and fix it completely without having to do anything else.


What you have looks like just that one magic effect is stuck in the on state, OR is being constantly triggered over and over.


I have seen something similar caused by a bug in a mod. Under certain conditions the magic effect was being triggered every so many milliseconds making it look like it was a continuous effect even after it should have died down. My character could still move, I could still open chests and doors. But the extra load caused by the continuous triggering did cause reduced fps. That was long ago and I don't remember the mod.


First, check any new mod that changed magic or magic effects. Disable it. You may have to go back to a save before the problem started.

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Just thought I'd post an update:


I'm at about 300 hours, and the problem hasn't come back. At the time this happened, I hadn't added any new mods for about a week (Which is about 30 hours, give or take), so I don't think any of them were the root cause. To be honest, I think it was just one of those bugs that crop up once, and go away with a reload... just yesterday I was riding past the IC on the red ring road, and the lake was reflecting tree leaves like it was right next to me (instead of the LOD version of the lake). Went inside an interior cell, and poof! Back to normal. Dunno what caused it, but I'm safe for now (it seems). Thanks for all the suggestions, folks!

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