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Are there a lot of mods that require the dlc's ?


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Imo, the main benefit of having all DLCs is that you can use the latest unofficial FO4 patch. WIthout all of 'em, you're limited to the legacy version which stopped being developed in Nov. of last year. I finally caved in and bought the 3 "workshop" DLCs for that reason alone. Other than the UFO4P though, I got along fine having only Far Harbour, Automatron and Nuka World. There's a few mods that I couldn't use but, in the grand scheme of things, nothing I couldn't live without.


Imo, Far Harbor is the best DLC by leaps and bounds and I'd absolutely recommend getting that.

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I also was't sure, if i should buy the DLCs but in the end, as a mod author you need them... but even as a player, you should get them. There are a lot of mods that require certain DLCs and its makes the life much easier for you, when you don't have to care. The DLCs itself are also not bad. Automatron is okay, Far Harbor is amazing, Nuka World is okay. The Workshop DLCs are.... meh... but ok. Could have been better.

Its also a one time investment.

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