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Texture question

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I know if you retexture/make new texture you get .dds file which you can put in skyrim's right directory and the textures show in game properly. But i would like to know is there a way to limit those textures for instance just for 1 npc and others wearing same clothes would have default skyrim textures, while my 1 npc i assigned would have custom textures ? So the thing i want to know is how to limit those textures not to show on all world objects but only on a particular of my liking.


Sorry for my bad English -_-

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Instead of making a texture replacer, just create a new name for it, and do the rest in the creation kit.

If it is new clothes, add new clothes entry and edit your NPC.

If it is a static object, duplicate and existing one and assign new textures.

And so on.

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If it's clothes/armour you're wanting to retexture then there are two ways to go about it


1) Simply edit the diffuse map dds to your liking, along with a normal map or use the vanilla one then place them in a custom folder (data\textures\armor\MyOutfit).

In the CK go to TextureSet in the object window and select new.

Place the textures in the corresponding places (diffuse 1st slot, normal 2nd slot :tongue: ) and save with a unique editorID.

Open the armour in the CK and look at the skin it uses, go to armor addon and open it up and click edit. The window will show the armour and text to the left, right click then new and you will find your custom texture set in the list. Done! This process usually works with both sexes unless there are seperate dds files for females and males.


2) Use Nifskope if you want special effects like glossiness, alpha properties, glow. I'll assume you have a grasp of Nifskope(?) so onward...save the nif in a custom folder as mentioned before.

In the armor addon section in the CK object window, click edit then edit the mesh and locate your new armour.

Now got to the armour itself and delete the skin, right click, new, add your skin (addon) and save with a new editorID.


If I missed out anything or you need more info PM me and i'll fill the gaps :thumbsup:

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If it's clothes/armour you're wanting to retexture then there are two ways to go about it


1) Simply edit the diffuse map dds to your liking, along with a normal map or use the vanilla one then place them in a custom folder (data\textures\armor\MyOutfit).

In the CK go to TextureSet in the object window and select new.

Place the textures in the corresponding places (diffuse 1st slot, normal 2nd slot :tongue: ) and save with a unique editorID.

Open the armour in the CK and look at the skin it uses, go to armor addon and open it up and click edit. The window will show the armour and text to the left, right click then new and you will find your custom texture set in the list. Done! This process usually works with both sexes unless there are seperate dds files for females and males.


2) Use Nifskope if you want special effects like glossiness, alpha properties, glow. I'll assume you have a grasp of Nifskope(?) so onward...save the nif in a custom folder as mentioned before.

In the armor addon section in the CK object window, click edit then edit the mesh and locate your new armour.

Now got to the armour itself and delete the skin, right click, new, add your skin (addon) and save with a new editorID.


If I missed out anything or you need more info PM me and i'll fill the gaps :thumbsup:


Thanks for this ! This is exactly what I needed, about Nifskope yes, i have been messing around with him and i'm getting the hang of it. I knew that some models has .nif files and I knew how to do that, but until your post I didn't know how to affect certain NPC only with .dds files. Thanks again :) Kudos to you :D

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