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Need help with texturing


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I wanted to replace the dark brotherhood armor with a retextured nightingale armor with transparency and so on. The texture doesn't even look bad, but i have no idea how to make the normals and env maps :( could someone please help me?

And somehow i am to stupid to modify the nif files :(

Edited by Sacreficium
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I can't help you with the normal maps but I can help you with transparency:


To open the .nif files you best use Nifskope (http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftools/files/nifskope/)

Gilead Maerlyn once told me how to do this:

Select the NiTriShape where you want transparency, right-click on it and select Node>Add Property>NiAlphaProperty. A NiAlphaProperty node is created, change its flags to 4844 and its threshold to 128.

Select the NiTriShape again, go to the last lane of the block details and in Properties, replace None with the number of the NiAlphaProperty.

Now that transparecy is supported by the mesh, you can edit the texture making what you want to disappear transparent.


If you want skin beneath your transparent texture, you need to add a body mesh

Best if you use a body from another skimpy mod that is not the full body, else you get a lot of clipping.

To add the body under the clothes, open both in nifskope.

You need to rename the root node of the part to import (in my case, the body) to the one of the mesh you want to edit and then, just copy/paste the desired branch from one to another.


Then just remove the parts you want transparent in your texture and save it (DXT1 should be fine if you don't use alpha transparency) and Nifskope should update the model.

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Thanks a Lot! :) now i only have to find someone for the normals :P



edit: nobody out there with a little spare time, who could help me? :)

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Sorry for the doublepost, but i am just impatient because i cant stand the dark brotherhood's armor for males :(

i will send the textures per e-mail i cant figure it out how to post them here :) or i will put them on rapidshare, depends :)

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You just have to download the Nvidia DDS plugin for Photoshop or Gimp, that generates the normal map (NAME_N.dds) from your diffuse map (NAME.dds) - i guess you've installed it already since you can save your textures as .dds


Check out part 2 of my signature-tutorial (after 5:15), i explain it there and the dl links are in the video description, takes a second to generate it.



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I already did but always screw it up :(

It was sheer luck that i got it right in oblivion and fallout 3 but now i can't figure it out

I will take a look at yout tut anyway thanks :)



ps. hab ich schon gesehen, ich liebe deinen dialekt xD aber i-wie verkack ichs trotzdem immer :( entweder zu "ölig", zu tief, zu flach, zu falsch oder sonst was :(


edit: i cant figure out how to import the _m.dds as the alphachannel in gimp. can anyone tell me what to do please? :)


Edit²: okay got that running and all worked fine, but it somehow was black in sunlight, the opposite side as if the shadow was to strong, i tried to solve this but got no real change so i altered the shader from Env shader to default, and then: CTD


Either way i dont want to play xD can someone please help me?

Edited by Sacreficium
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