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Horrible performance on high end PC


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Hi everyone, about a year ago I bought a high-end gaming pc but I can barely run Skyrim or Skyrim SE.
I've been trying to fix my performance for weeks on end now but with no success. These are my specs:

Processor: Intel® Core i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.71GHz
Installed RAM: 8,00 GB

System: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

I am an absolute turd when it comes to computers. Can someone explain why my Skyrim is still having tons of CTD's, freezes and lag? In-game textures often turn purple indicating a shortage of VRAM. Isn't the game tapping in to the RAM I have? Taskmanager shows that Skyrim takes up about 80% of memory when it's running

Help would be greatly appreciated

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you describe several problems all at once and I think the best way to help you would be to have you watch a series of videos that will teach you everything you need to know


I PROMISE you if you watch the entire list of videos, you will know almost as much as I do about modding your game


MANY people think they can drop a bunch of mods into their game and be fine, after you hit 3 or 4 this is NOT true and will almost always cause problems that need to be addressed

Edited by gromulos
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