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Throwing Javelin Request


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I was wondering if it is possible to have javelins you can throw (just throw, not used for melee at all). Perhaps an invisible bow with javelin ammo could be used? I've been looking for such a mod but I haven't found anything of the sort.


Thanks in advance.

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I was wondering if it is possible to have javelins you can throw (just throw, not used for melee at all). Perhaps an invisible bow with javelin ammo could be used? I've been looking for such a mod but I haven't found anything of the sort.


Thanks in advance.

I'm looking into doing something similar with this weapon.


Well, there are basically two ways to do this that I have seen:


1. Use a spell (As in: Throwing Stars AKA Shurikens, Throwable Kunai)

- DoH: Likely to cause compatibility problems

- DoH: Cannot view the weapon unless traveling through the air

- DoH: Cannot make them "stick" in a victim

- WoW: Throw animation looks better


2. Use in an arrow slot (As in: Throwing Knives Oblivion)

- DoH: Stuck on your back

- DoH: Uses invisible bow (looks strange)

- WoW: Item sticks in walls and victims

- WoW: No compatibility issues


I'm kinda leaning towards the bow/arrow method but I am still doing some research. The Arcanery mod seems to do the best job but I have not looked into how it is done yet. If there are any compatibility issues, I will fall back to the bow/arrow method for my mod.



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Thank you for the reply LHammonds.


Let me first say that I've been using your Apophis Silver Dragon mod for some time and I think it is wonderful and you've done an excellent job on it.


Of the mods you mentioned, I've tried using Arcanery and while it actually does quite a good job, it is kinda weird (although I haven't tried the unique hammer or the glaive mentioned in that mod).


My initial thought was the bow method too, since it seems to be the easiest (I think) way with more options. The spell animation would be better for your throwing spikes but it wouldn't fit javelins (since javelins naturally can't be thrown that way).


Hmm.. perhaps I should get Throwing Knives in Oblivion mod and cross it with a one handed spears mod and see what happens...


Anyway, thanks for the reply LH.

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This is what I did so far (I have no experience with manipulating .nif files, so this will sound trollish):


-Got Throwing Knives Oblivion, replaced the .nif file of one of the throwing knives with the spear .nif from Apophis Silver Dragon. Didn't work ofc, strangely I ended up shooting spears to my left and I was holding the spears vertical to the ground.

-My second (fruitful) approach was replacing the .nif file with the Apophis arrows, setting quiver scale to 0 and increasing arrow scale to 2,5. This actually worked, I had a single big apophis arrow on my back and when used with the invisible bow, it felt like I was throwing javelins (over-size arrow looking javelins though). I had to change the y positioning of the arrows tho, to pull them down a little (otherwise when you scale them up the tip of the arrow is on your back and the rest is sticking up high in the air).


Next up I'm going to try and find an arrow that resembles a javelin when scaled up (I'm no 3D artist), play around the x coordinates to see if I can fine tune the javelin feel, etc..

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Yes, as you've experienced, it has to be an arrow/quiver for it to work. Try opening the spear in one NifSkope window, the arrow/quiver in another and copy branch / paste branch the spear to the quiver and adjust as needed. ;)
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I've actually got it to work with your spears from the Silver Dragon mod, and it actually works quite well. I have a minor problem with setting the collision though, right now the spears bury themselves more than halfway through a target. Can I edit this in the .nif file?


Btw I'll add the file here in case anyone wants to check it out (it's a .nif file):



If I can fine tune the collision I might actually post this up as a mod.

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Should be easy to fix using NIFSkope...I'll give it a try and upload here for you to test.




I couldn't seem to move the "center" of the collision object so it sticks out a bit at the end but at least it should stop with only the blade being submerged in the target. I modified the "Y" coordinate of the node called "4 bhkBoxShape" by selecting it and modifying the dimensions in the Block Details panel.


If it needs further refinement, it might require being imported into Blender. Something I was not able to do back when I created the Apophis mod. ;)



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Interesting idea's, looking forward to a better outcome if it catches on, spears should be able to be used as melee weapons too, and stick out of the ground or target so it can be recollected and used again.
I believe Deadly Reflex allows you to use a bow in melee.


But regardless, the Oblivion engine was not designed with Spears or throwing knives in mind (I don't know why though) so the best we can do is "fake" it with the weapon types we have available to us (very limited)



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