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pine trees shimmering and blinking light / shadows


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Last 2 weeks I cant solve my problem with trees shimmering or blinking or whatever it is.

It is very annoying and I tried all I found on forums across internet.


I tried :


-changing AA from TAA to FXAA and I tried using both (bethini)

-turning ON/OFF my ENB (it is a bit better without DOF and a bit better without ENB but not gone)

-tweaking AA in my Nvidia control panel (somebody in some forum was suggesting multi sampling AA)

-disabling shadows trees (bTreesREceiveShadows)

-all possible combination of shadow quality with different AA

-recommended tweaks in bethini

-uninstalling lighting mod - RLO

-different trees mods (SFO, Simply bigger trees, Enhanced vanilla trees)


This effect isnt visible while moving with W S A D but when moving with mouse. With every mouse movement these trees somehow starts blinking.

Some sort of light which lights its boughs and when stop moving my mouse it goes out.


I literally raped google in last 2 weeks with my problem and no solution so far.


Please HELP ME :sad:


EDIT: solution found



Edited by zajkoajko
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