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Cassocks and Crosses


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I was wondering if someone would be able to help me out with this, since I didn't buy the Steam version of Skyrim and thus (as far as I know) don't have access to the Creation Kit. I've looking for a mod which provides Catholic priest robes and vestments, but have come up empty-handed. I can't imagine they would be very hard to make - a little tweaking of the black mage robes, add buttons and a clerical collar, and you would be done.


I'd be willing to trade talents for talents. Although I can't make mods, I can help write dialogue, plan quests, flesh out a story, or what have you. I'm very familiar with Photoshop, so I could even do some texture work if you need it. Just let me know!


Here's a picture for reference:



As you can see, it shouldn't be hard at all. I just need the cassock and a crucifix necklace or rosary; don't bother making the shoes or pants from the second picture. Either style of buttons is fine. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions, and please help me out with this if you can.

Edited by jedimattk
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all legal versions of skyrim require steam even if you bought retail you can still get creation kit


Really? Can you give me a download link or something, because I haven't been able to find one.

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Pirates are not welcome here. All legal versions of Skyrim require Steam for activation.

If you have a legal version, you have Steam. If you have Steam, you have access to the Creation Kit.

If you don't.... --> http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/pirate.gif


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