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Too much estrogen in Oblivion mods.


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Another little point for those who want "tasteful" armor for their females that will make them look to have a sense of dignity - the stock armors exnemised. And then on top of that retextured, they're nicer than they're sometimes given credit for.


I would suggest otup's armor retextures for stock armors:




No screenshots, but I can guarantee you the retextures are well done. Maybe I could sit down and screenshot some stock armors for people to see.


Blackluster was also one of my favorite sets originally. The full heavy set doesn't quite make a ton of sense, but you can easily use the Construction set to change the light cuirass to heavy. And then you have a pretty, full covering heavy armor set. Just a few more things that came to mind.


But if you focus yourself more on gameplay mods you might find yourself ignoring armor mods and clothing. I myself am just getting back into Ruined Tails Tale because I never finished it, and I'm getting too focused on my character's looks that I'm editing appearance more than actually playing. And I can tell you that will outright make you feel bored of Oblivion.


Some suggested quest mods?

- Origin of the Mages Guild (top 100 I think)

- Ruined Tales Tail (top 100)

-There's a Necromancy based quest mod, can't recall the name off-hand. Do a search on city of the dead.

-Kvatch Rebuilt (should still be top 100 I believe)


So there's some more ideas to drain focus on all the "skimpy' clothes and armor. The more you focus on it, the more it's just going to annoy you and ruin an amazing game for you.

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Why is it that over half the mods on Oblivion are perverted mods featuring lacy girl clothing and "sexy" hairs/clothing/bodies ?
Got actual stats on that? I seriously doubt that over half the mods here at TESNexus are skimpy women mods. EDIT: There are 12,673 file uploaded for Oblivion and Morrowind. Of those files, only 1,826 are in the Oblivion "Weapons and Armor" section. Of those 1,826 files, many are weapons only, some are male-only armor, some are non-skimpy female armor. So I'd be surprised if you could come up with 10% of these files as falling in the "skimpy women armor" category. Oh, the Oblivion "Items, Objects and Clothes" category has 868 files total which could house some skimpy female clothing but again, I'd bet that it would be a minority of that number and still would not be able to find 10% of the files uploaded to TESNexus as "skimpy female armor/clothing" /EDIT


Mods exist because people want to create them. The people that do not create mods are not really getting a voice in terms of what kinds of mods are being uploaded simply because they are not contributing anything.


If people are interested in quest mods, then go create quest mods. This is simply what is happening...people making what they want.


I'm more of a weapons and armor kinda guy so most everything you seem me doing will focused on that. If I release armor, it will likely be male-only or male and female but I doubt I would be making female armor only. Why? Because that is what I'm interested in...stuff I'd wear...stuff I would use if I were actually in the Oblivion world. If I were magically teleported to Tamriel, I'd be rounding up weapons and armor...not creating buildings or farming the land...I have my share of doing that in the real world. ;)



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I love this thread, Just to add in tho, if there were more "male skimpy mods" to "balance" out the female skimpy mods.... I really doubt majority of the people here would DL, mostly cus they're men, unless they want to DL just for fun or maybe they're....
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ahaha yes, i thought of the same thing. and I havent conformed to this awkward type of mod. Is there any mod out there that gives men an extravagant amount of muscle? just for sh!ts and giggles?... would be hilarious to walk around with a mr. olympia.

Hmm, I think there's a mod that makes orcs more muscular. I downloaded it but never ended up using it for lore reasons. Heh, beefy-muscle characters: Bosmer male on steroids - strong and annoying!


Actually, you'd need a mod like that if you wanted to bring Kratos to Cyrodiil. :teehee:

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ahaha yes, i thought of the same thing. and I havent conformed to this awkward type of mod. Is there any mod out there that gives men an extravagant amount of muscle? just for sh!ts and giggles?... would be hilarious to walk around with a mr. olympia.

Slofs Playable Xivilai

Robert's Male Body Replacer

A CM Partner Conan the Barbarian



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Ok then if you guys say there are plenty of non-erotic armour mods, find me one that:


Does not reveal too much skin, but still makes them look attractive/curvy


Stays within the lore of the Middle Ages/Tamriel


Is not too anime based


is not overly dramatic.




THAT is the definition of a perfect female armour mod.

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