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Too much estrogen in Oblivion mods.


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Okay, I didn't say I wanted more skimpy male mods, I'm just saying I wish there were more mods including violence (hacking and slashing, cutting peoples heads off, blood flying).

If I could make mods myself, I would... but I can't.


I was hoping that other men would agree with me and maybe start making more of these types of mods :thumbsup:

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I love this thread, Just to add in tho, if there were more "male skimpy mods" to "balance" out the female skimpy mods.... I really doubt majority of the people here would DL, mostly cus they're men, unless they want to DL just for fun or maybe they're....



Whoa, I definitely didn't want more male skimpy mods to balance out the female skimpy mods...

I wanted more blood and gore ;]

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If you don't have it already, get Deadly Reflex. cut peoples heads off, smash skulls, cut their arms off, cut them in half, etc. In my opinion the greatest mod of all oblivion.


I have actually tried getting this mod, it looks very good. But I can't get OBSE to work properly. :confused:

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I have actually tried getting this mod, it looks very good. But I can't get OBSE to work properly. :confused:
Well, that "is" the definitive mod for action and violence. I'd suggest you keep trying to figure out how to get OBSE to work rather than looking elsewhere.



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I too am kind of wondering why there is everything focused on character aesthetics. Why does it matter? Shouldn't gameplay matter, not popping a boner? I've been a vanilla oblivion player since its come out so I guess I am used to not having everyone look like they just walked out of auditions for Medieval Whores #14
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PoisonedV, the answer is simple.


1 The game play vanilla wise is already awsome.

2 With Deadly reflexes makes it incredable.


so there is no reason to F with the game play. it's great already. which leaves us with appearance. But we are limited in what to do there as well because.....


3. Qarls perfects the building textures.

4. Better open cities is well... better.

5. Unique landscapes makes an incredable... landscape.

6. Natural effects adds weather, birds, foliage, etc.

7. MMM and OOO effects the monsters.



So since others have perfected the external world... that means we are left with looking intrensicly. So we add...


8. Children in our lives, something Oblivion was missing but Fable got right, and we do moDems City life.

9. We add companions. So now we have an army to face the MMM and OOO monsters.


After all that, all we have left to work on is


1. Additional quests that meld with the rest of what I mentioned above.

2. The appearance of new items and armour as incentive to complete the quests.

3. The appearance of these items, thus the sexy or wicked looking armour.

4. Our own appearance in the game.

and finally....

5. Additional poses like UMPA or something else to be used in a quest.


Quests need all of theese, so they are big projects.

Animations take forever.


So all we have is our self appearance and that of what we're wearing.


Most modders are guys so as a guy if I had to look at something for hours as I worked on it I'd rather look at a pair of breasts than nuts.


And this is why there are so many skimpy women in the mods.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Golly - Glad I read this thread (even though the general topic is all too familiar)

I'm up for both shiki Armor and deadly reflexes to add to all my exotic and erotic, and scenic stuff.

It all just adds to the longevity (I have 300 hrs game play on my game save counter)

and replayability of this most awesome and wonderful game.

What other game have I played off and on for 2 years ???? Can't think of any.... :banana:

And I haven't even started on SI yet...I just might grow old with this game - lol.


BTW; OBSE works. Just make sure you have the latest version, and follow the instructions to the letter.

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Being a woman I dress to look and feel good in real life,so naturally I want my characters to have skimpy and lacey things.

The female body in any art form is one of the most pictured ,sculpted, and drawn, painted etc. look in any museum or gallery. The female body is truely a work of art!

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Being a woman I dress to look and feel good in real life,so naturally I want my characters to have skimpy and lacey things.

The female body in any art form is one of the most pictured ,sculpted, and drawn, painted etc. look in any museum or gallery. The female body is truely a work of art!


:thumbsup: You are 100% correct. Being a man I look for a woman who is proud to be a woman. That is why women who have tattos all over or body pierce there body turn me off . It could be an age think(I'm an old fart)


Just an opinion of this old fart

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