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Created visibility and pre combined meshes but still getting flickering.


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Seem to have hit an issue in building my precombied data when it comes to the city.

So my process is this, open the CK, have all my locations mods loaded (3 merged files really), then go to the cell I want to work on, in this example right outside Good Neighbor, then I

"Pre combine geometry for loaded area"

"Generate Visibility for all loaded cells"

"Generate Pre combined Visibility for all loaded cells"

Save the file under a new .esp that's loaded after my locations mods

Generate a archive (correctly named) that contains a bunch of pre combine .NIFs , some Physics.NIFS and some Vis.UVD files.

What step am I missing? My new .esp is about last in the load order and nothing in FO4edit is overriding it, their are some conflicts with timestamps but since my file is last that shouldn't matter correct?

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found it! There where two folders in my fallout 4 data folder called PreCombined and Vis, these folders did not exist on the un modded copies of Fallout 4 on other computers, so I moved these folders and WHAM no more preculling problems. These must have been some sort of junk files made by the CK in some of my earlier attempt's at making patches. Guessing by the size it was when i attempted to generate for the whole world.

Not sure why the CK put these files in a folder without any kind of notification it did so.

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Those folders exist because that's where the precalc data is generated when you rebuild precombines and previs...like you said you did in your first post. It put all if those files there because you told it to when you ran the generations. Those "junk" files are actually the precombine and previs data you told the CK to create. :wink:


Always a good idea to clear those out before you regenerate again or the old data will conflict with new data as you discovered. I'll archive mine out to a different folder then delete that new folder if my subsequent generation is successful.

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Gives me something new to try, I will attempt to try my patches again and this time just do one area at a time and clear out the loose folders each time I load up the CK and keep the files I will actually need inside the BA2 file the CK makes.


But the order I am making the pre combined data is correct right?

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Not sure I understand your process or what you mean by "each time I load up the CK"...clearing out the folders means removing the precalc data you just generated...If you clear out the folders and create an archive hoping to pack the precombines and previs you just made, it ain't gonna work. The CK needs to read them in those locations to pack into the archive. Just confused as you what you are doing.


Speaking as being far from an expert, your process seems OK but instead of using "Pre combine geometry for loaded area" you should be using "Precombine geometry for current cell," and generate while having the camera in each cell(s) you've made changes in. Otherwise you're likely generating for cells you haven't made changes to since it will generate for EVERY cell you have loaded whether or not changes have been made. But of course, if you are making changes to every cell you have loaded you should be OK with "loaded area" option.


Make your generations, save, and test in game to make sure all works as intended. When you're happy with the tests, then open create an archive and make sure all the precombines an vis files get included. THEN empty out the folders with loose files and test with the archive you just made.


If you haven't already, you may want to take a look through this thread that deals specifically with the optimization system. Lots of great info that might be of help. Trosski also has a great video tutorial on the process and covers making patches if that's what you're trying to do.

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