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some basic advice for new modded install


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Hello All


It's been a good few years since I last played FO3 (on a laptop which overheated and died, I'm convinced due to FO3). I was running only a minimally modded game at the time.


Now I'm back armed with the GOTY version, and want to get back into a more modded version of the game, as I still remember more/less what I liked and didn't like about the original. I had a lot of experience modding Oblivion (was running FCOM) about a year ago, the thing is I can't seem to find anything like the amount/detail of online help for modding FO3.


So, I have a few doubtless n00b questions for which I would greatly appreciate some helpful answers:


1. For Oblivion I remember using fairly detailed guidance as to the order in which to install (not load) mods, e.g.: install X-type mods before Z-type mods. Is there any general guidance for FO3?


2. I am considering using the following patching/performance-enhancing mods. If anyone knows of any conflicts between them or just general problems, could you please let me know:

Fallout Stutter Remover

Large Address Aware Enabler

Error Corrections

G4WL disabler

Error correction

Unnoffical FO3 patch

Fallout Remastered


3. I am considering using the following mods which I suspect may provide a big hit to FPS/general performance. Any views?

BA Wasteland Restoration

Fallout Street Lights

MTC Wasteland Travellers (? Research more, tending yes)

Attentater’s Wasteland Economy

DCInteriors Project


Thanks a lot!

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In reply to your inquiry:

1. Download and install B.O.S.S. and use it to set your load order in FOMM, which you will download and install to handle the installation of your mods. Also, download and install F.O.S.E. which you will use to launch our game and enable your mods to work.

2. You do not need Unofficial FO3 Patch or Error correction with Fallout Remastered. Also I recommend that you use Clean Deluxe. GFWL is included in FOSE.

3. Instead of BA Wasteland Restoration, I recommend Fellout and Fellout for the DLCs. Along with DCInteriors Combo pack, get the DC Interiors Collectibles. For added game play, add Fallout Wanderers Edition

and Level 100 mod. You should also get FO3Edit to detect any conflicts and to make a merged patch.


You did not state in you post, but if you bought the GOTY on disc, make sure you do a custom install and install the game outside the program files folder. Also, you should look in the troubleshooting section for the change to the .ini to limit your CPU to only two cores. FO3 does not play well with anything more than 2 cores.

There is a lot of online help right here in the nexus. Check out: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/285-fallout-3-technical-support/

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Heres a link to a good how to by me, Remeber if you want to stop CTD's disable V-sync first. And everytime you add a new mod make a new merged patch.





I am redoing it myself, but with the knowledge you seek, so far no bugs.

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Thanks for the replies. Yes I'd already planned to install FWE. I already have BOSS and FO3Edit and more/less know how to use them.


M48A5, are you sure I don't need either the UO patch or error correction with FO3 remastered? Just want to be absolutely sure.


Also, I wanted BA Wasteland as it adds more trees. AFAIK Fellout does not do this. Am I right?

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I don't use either error corrections or unofficial patch and do not have any problems. You are right, fellout only cleans up the atmosphere by taking away the green tint. I would also recommend the you get Clean Deluxe, it will take away some of the unnecessary dirt and litter through the wasteland.
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