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Rebirth mod & changing race


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Does anyone know if you can change your race (in-game without starting a new game) and have the associated Abilities change as well?


I was just testing the mod Rebirth, which allows you to make CHARGEN changes in-game without using the console commands. It adds an NPC that allows you to make changes to your PC in-game. Everything seemed to work fine, except I noticed that when you change races, the Powers change after reloading the game, but the Abilities don't. I tested this with using the console command (player->enableracemenu) and that does the same thing.


So you could start as one race for the Abilities and then change to a new race for the Powers, but keep the prior race Abilities. I have no idea if this will cause problems later in the game.


So it looks like the Rebirth mod is limited to what is available through the console commands (it just gives the ability to make the change through an NPC, maybe for immersion retention).


I am just wondering if there is a way to also change the Abilities, so they match the new race or if anyone knows if having a discrepancy between the race and Abilities might cause a problem down the road. Having a Breton with Nord Abilities and not Breton Abilities.



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Did you try adding the abilities through console codes?


For example the Dunmer's 75% resist fire ability has the code resist fire_75


So if you changed your character to a Dark Elf and want to give it this ability you can probably do the trick by typing Player->addspell "resist fire_75"

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