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Will Holster mods always require apparel guns?


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I don't want to sound like I'm criticizing the great work modders do. I'm just curious if it's hopeless that there will ever be a new vegas style of holstering. Right now it appears that apparel weapon items need to be created and linked on a case-by-case basis. Better than the vanilla, but I still miss the old way. I bet it's hard-coded. :(

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I've been wondering about the same thing ever since I started playing this game.

Since FO4 uses an improved version of the game engine used for Skyrim I keep asking myself if it's possible for equipped weapons to be visible in Skyrim why shouldn't it be possible for Fo4

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I feel like it would have been done or at least a WIP if it had been possible, but I hold out hope. The engine can't be _that_ different from the games that did have holsters... what an odd thing to take out, Bethesda. It wasn't hurting anyone. Probably. Maybe.

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  • 11 months later...

Question how do I can open a request related to this topic conversation instead of making a new thread since the subject in conversation is the same. I am as well looking for a modification in Nexus that won't require other modification along with the one I was hoping it wouldn't need another modification. I'm so into this game recently and I can't stand how much this bother me to not have weapons visible like used to be in Fallout New Vegas when you're on 3rd person perspective. It is annoying me so much how FO4 downgraded the aspects from FNV.


So is there somewhere that I can ask or track if someone might come with a modification to use the mechanic in Fallout New Vegas to be able to have holster weapons in third person be visible again? And specially to all npcs except animals.

A modification that won't need another modification to work? All holster mods need another modification to work properly and is quite bothering me since I'm trying to like the game without the need of modding too much. And I'm not using any modification yet. But the subject of this conversation is needed in the game.


The request I'm looking for is to somehow a unique modification without the need of other modfication to work. With no requirements. Is confusing all holster weapon modifications are always listing someone else's mod but doesn't specify which is mainly needed. This is why I'm writing this.


By the way I'm not looking to use FOMM or F4SE or any other mod launcher since I don't want to disable Steam achievements. I'm trying to play the game without affecting the experience so much.

Edited by Lilchewchew
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The game is less mod friendly than new Vegas, which is why this forum is always filled with requests for mods that nv had, like vehicles, this, and immersive first person.


F4se doesn't seem like it's going to add support for the features they put in the older games either.


This specific request can likely be done by silently adding apparel weapons when unequipping and removing them when opening the inventory menu, this way you never see the apparel items, but it still seems like your weapons are holsters when not in use.


I have no modeling skills to create the apparel weapons though.

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