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Walking with Staves


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As an armchair modder, I definitely support this. Lots of potential: projectile reflection shields, area shield (I've got Gandalf and the Balrog stuck in my head), someone suggested the light. Great ideas, would love to see something come of it.



On the realistic hand though, the truth is that a walking stick is used by those who can't move very quickly (most of the time, I mean lol Gandalf and Yoda move when the need to). And lets face it, who actually walks in game? Don't get me wrong, I do sometimes to enjoy the scenery, but when the s*** hits the fan and that Dragon attacks, who really wants to be hobbling around?


Anyways, great suggestion, definitely not trying to shoot it down, just wanted to add that grain of salt to the idea.



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And lets face it, who actually walks in game?


Roleplayers...the even avoid the fast travel option and prefer to run for an hour - such a staff mod would improve that and a normal 1h walk would take 'bout 3hours = 3 times more gameplay. When the character sleeps ingame they sleep in RL as well for several hours, afterwards they sit on the veranda, read a book and drink a glass of wine - ingame of course. And pray that you don't get arrested, it's not funny to stare at a wall for several years...hell if i had to share a room with a serial killer or a roleplayer i would pick the killer :D


Nah...people can do whatever they want so don't take that serious. Would be a nice addition for posing/screenshots as well ;)

Edited by ghosu
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I've seen these arguments before. Yeah and you guys are quite right. People walking with stave's are usually frail... but isn't that the fun of being a wizard? looking frail but being extremely powerful at the same time?


Besides if you would make an animation for walking with a stave just imagine how easily it could also be adapted into a spear??? :D


You can also run with a stave, you know holding it parallel to the ground. I'm just kinda bummed by the lack of detail in some things in skyrim.

Such as offhand weapon disappearing and appearing... <--- Really felt like the games animators were just lazy or something. :/ Yeah I'm a ware that theres a mod that fixes this :P but still... it should have been in the original game.


Wearing stave's on your back... Just doesn't feel right. I want to be an Elminster kind of wizard

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I've already seen the great animation mods out there... for example, there are mods for unarmed combat, and a mod for javalins.


So a mod for a mage's staff as weapon would have a dual use, think quarterstaff, Bo.


If it could somehow be made vaguely pornographic or suggestive, that may also provide the needed motivation. Staff / stripper pole, sort of like the quarterstaff Cheetara of the Thundercats would use.


For myself; although I would dearly love to see an elderly Gandalf walking along with his staff, or a Jackie Chan style sorcerer / martial artist... I would 100% guarantee a donation to the first clever modder who could animate the following scene...

Gandolf the Grey, slamming his staff into the ground forcefully, like on the bridge in Moria...


"You shall not pass!" he shouts, then a moment of silence...


Until, with a flash of colored spotlights and the thump of a techno beat remix of "flashdance", he throws his hands into the sky and begins moving his hips... grabs his staff and swings around it into a handstand butterfly kick, his pointy hat falling off and his hair and beard falling sexily over his face.


In all deadly seriousness, having walking-stick / quater-staff / magi-attack staves would be amazing... but if someone could animate that above scene, that's a guaranteed donation from me.


If you need further inspiration, here...

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  • 5 months later...

I don't see why walking with a staff should make you seem old and frail.

anyone whose only means of transport is Shank's pony knows that using a stick or staff helps with stamina over long distances and also means that if you are attacked you already have a nice big lump of wood in your hand instead of having to draw a weapon

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