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Started Over and "Bug"?


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Okay, I screwed up and had to start over. Did not follow my own advice. :P


So, nothing changed in my game, as in no new mods or anything like that. Just had to start over, due to a current mod being updated and well .... I failed to back up my games and thus had to start over.


I reverted back to the Old Version of the Mod, which is what I started the game with.


But instead of the ever consistent: Go To Tenpines Bluff, I've been sent to Greentop Nursery and the other settlements to start. Then 5 other settlements, but Tenpines is NOT being given?


Can the game due it random, because in my various play through, Tenpines was always the first one.




.. Jj ...

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I also didn't get sent to Ten Pines right away in my current game. I think I got that quest after maybe 3 or 4 others but I think it shows that randomness can play a part. After doing umpteen quests for County Crossing and Finch Farm (so aggravating - got 4 Finch Farms in a row at one point), with a few for each of Greentop and Nordhagen, I was was up to level 70 something before getting the quest for Warwick. I'm now at level 82 and still haven't got a quest for Somerville.

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I also didn't get sent to Ten Pines right away in my current game. I think I got that quest after maybe 3 or 4 others but I think it shows that randomness can play a part. After doing umpteen quests for County Crossing and Finch Farm (so aggravating - got 4 Finch Farms in a row at one point), with a few for each of Greentop and Nordhagen, I was was up to level 70 something before getting the quest for Warwick. I'm now at level 82 and still haven't got a quest for Somerville.


That's pretty much the List that I had / have: County Crossing, Greentop, Abernathy, Somerville, Hangman's Alley and being sent on "Follow-up" quests for those, while Tenpines is still, apparently "ON HOLD". I even went there to see if it was active and I just missed something? Nope, just a generic greeting. :P

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Yeah, I guess if things weren't random then replays might get predictable to the point of tedium. But, depending on the luck of the draw, randomness can do that too. In my current game, the repetition of County Crossing and Finch Farm follow-up quests is getting ridiculous. Other than those 2 spots, I've had 1 at Ten Pines (I think, it might actually have been only the initial one) and a couple at each of of Greentop and Nordhagen. Nowhere else, with Somerville remaining open all the while. And I finally gave up waiting for Abernathy at about level 60 and did the locket thing to get the workshop. Nothing at Abernathy since.

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I guess I just had Tenpines be the starting one, since I started playing this game when it came out. It has been always the first settlement.... After that the other's were semi-random. I guess being old and 'set in my ways' ..... ;)

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Been playing for a few hours since posting and thought I'd milk the MM quests. Five more quests, 3 from Finch Farm and 2 from County Crossing. Soooooooo @#%! annoying that Garvey's essentially just alternating between those 2 locations. /rant

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Been playing for a few hours since posting and thought I'd milk the MM quests. Five more quests, 3 from Finch Farm and 2 from County Crossing. Soooooooo @#%! annoying that Garvey's essentially just alternating between those 2 locations. /rant


Yes, I totally agree! You are preaching to the choir my friend, preaching to the choir.


.. Jj ...

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All right, after doing some " 20 Question Trouble Shooting ", I found out why for me, this " Random " happened, also thanks to KL for their confirmation, as they too found the same thing. :)


If you " cheat " and give yourself a specific LEVELED ITEM: Weapon, Armor and such, you are BUMPED UP from the beginning level. I figured it out, since I LOVE a modded 7.62MM Weapon ..... and in KL's situation, a specific armor ....


IF you give yourself any of these leveled items, you are bumped up PAST the Tenpines and such, pending on the level that Weapon and/or Armor was suppose to show up in the game.


I confirmed this, as I re-started my game and did NOT give myself the 7.62 Weapon - Tenpines happened just like it was supposed to! :) KL found this to be true w/the armor that he liked.


Now I can only state, this is why it happened for me and my friend KL.


By the way, you cannot remove the item that " Bumped " in game. I tried. You have to start over. In KL's situation he has ALL the settlements except: Tenpines, Starlight and Oberman, and he tried to " console command to force them " and even that did not work. Like me, he found IF he wanted to have those, he, too, had to start over.


Hope this helps. No, indeed, not a fun answer, but it was indeed the answer for KL and myself.


.. Jj ...

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Hmmmn... that's interesting. I indeed consoled-in a weapon, but it was the SCAR-LK rifle (mod). And I'd removed the leveled lists in FO4Edit so the weapon doesn't actually appear in game at all. Er.... wait... I might have also put a legendary effect on a piece of armor via console before getting any settlement quests. A slight twist on what you're saying, but I think consistent nonetheless.


Now if I could just get Garvey (or radio freedom) to give me the Somerville quest! (Last settlement still locked.) After posting before, I had 5 more quests alternating between County Crossing and Finch Farm for a total of 10 in a row (5 each location). I finally ended the "loop" by completing 2 at once by, after Garvey gave me #9 at Finch, visiting the Castle to get #10 at County. Completed both so each had the "talk to Preston" stage active and handed 'em in at the same time. At which point at least he didn't give me another quest so hopefully some actual randomness will kick in next time.

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