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Mod to Disable Workshop DLC Items for frost


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So im using mod organizer, and with the current version you cannot disable DLC esms. Of course you can remove the ESMs fromt he data folder as a soluton but for the sake of having other profiles I think it would be nice to have a mod that just disables all the functionality of the workshop items instead of having to keep it inside a seperate folder until you want to change mod profiles.

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Someone could create a mod that requires them (assuming you just want the objects removed from the build menu) That adds an xMarker and then a condition to all the DLC added crafting recopies. Using a get disabled condition on the xMarker you could effectively hide them all. You could even add a holotape that let you turn them on at will.


Not something I want to take on right now but, that's how I would do it If I were to do it.


Edit sorry didn't see this was about Frost but, the principal is still the same.

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