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oblivion.exe 64bit?


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I apologize for the maybe dumb question that may have been posted before, but is it possible to make an oblivion.exe 64bit, to take advantage of 64bit processors and 64 bit OS ? or probably not that simple huh? Does the program right now just run in 32 bit? just wonderin cuz i got that 64bit vista w/q6600, thank you :thanks:
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The Q6600 being an Intel Core 2 Quad, correct? Well, you would have no problems running the game with that CPU if you had a different OS. Oblivion does not run on 64 bit systems, and as far as I know it is not something you or I can fix/upgrade.
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Currently, Bethesda has no plans to re-code and re-compile a 64-bit version. I also seriously doubt it will happen as a future project either since there is quite a bit more involved than a simply re-compile to make it worth-while.


From what I understand though, if you are using Vista 64-bit, you can still install it and it will run as a 32-bit application...just won't take advantage of the 64-bit architecture.


With Vista, be sure to install it somewhere other than the default "Program Files" folder. Someplace like C:\Oblivion or C:\Games\Oblivion\ or D:\Oblivion



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