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1.5 Performance Issues - any helpful thoughts?


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Unfortunately the 1.5 patch has seriously impacted my performance. Before you ask, yes, I have tried completely removing all custom textures and meshes, and I have launched the game with no active mods (don't use many in the first place).


The biggest problem is that the 1.5 patch has introduced a micro-stutter whenever VSYNC is enabled. I can disable VSYNC, but then I get screen-tearing and I'm pretty sensitive to that. I actually get a little seasick (although, I don't get seasick on the sea...). This micro-stutter is similar to that in Fallout 3 - a brief hiccup repeatedly and constantly. Turning VSYNC off fixes the issue (just like Fallout 3). This problem did not exist prior to the 1.5 update. (Note to Steam developers - why put a "do not keep this game automatically up to date" feature in your software if you ignore it? Steam has so far installed 2 updates which should not have been installed!)Anyone have this problem? Anyone able to get it fixed?


I also have a few extremely low-FPS areas due to my rig being "Bethesda-Bound" to only 2 cores, thus ignoring 50% of my performance potential. The 1.5 patch has cost me around 2fps in exactly these areas, making the performance in these areas drop from excellent back when SkyBoost used to work, to "poor" with the previous update (when SkyBoost stopped working) to "unacceptable" with the 1.5 update. Areas that were running at 27fps two revisions back are now down to just under 20fps. Because this is "cpu-bound" (Note to Bethesda: try hiring programmers who understand that computers have had more than 2 cores for over half a decade!) - nothing I can do in terms of the graphics settings seems to any difference. Does anyone know what might have changed (snow?) that could be causing this? Possibly something I can disable?



Edited by Mr_SpongeWorthy
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