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Graphics and Design Classes, i need suggestions.


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I don't know how to mod but I can write a great story, I want to make new cities and storylines, but I cant mod. I gave up on the idea, until I played fusion city, now I'm stoked to do it. I need to take a few classes in college first so any suggestions in where to start??? I know I have to learn java script, and some photoshop.

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Javascript is a client side scripting language for websites. You don't need that for modding Fallout 4. You're probably referring to Java, but you only need that if you want to actually write programs that help with modding. You don't really need to pay for classes for anything, since almost everything you need to know can be found here and elsewhere in nice tutorials. And if not, here are a lot of people willing to answer your questions and help you out. :smile:

It all depends on what you want to make. For something like an entire city with all new objects, (voiced) people, new sounds and other effects, don't expect to do that all on your own. Team up with others and share the workload. The first step for something of that scale is to write a concept, and share some of it here to get people interested in your project.

But may I suggest to start with something smaller, so you gather some experience with modding? If you like writing, then how about some nice little scavanger hunt? Something that, for a change, can truly be called a riddle, with an intriguing tale told through the clues. Maybe some caps stash and rare ammo as a reward at the end. That way you can rely purely on vanilla assets and learn the ropes with the Creation Kit (CK).

You get access to the CK by downloading the Bethesda.Net Launcher (top right corner). Create an account, login, download the program, and then only start it from its installation location if you don't want to have to mess with that awful Launcher all the time. Here's an introduction video for the CK. :smile:

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