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Yet another CTD problem


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I'm having random crashes occur now and then. My mods are managed by Mod Manager, sorted my Loot, and batch patched.




Load Order

 0  0 Fallout4.esm
 1  1 DLCRobot.esm
 2  2 DLCworkshop01.esm
 3  3 DLCCoast.esm
 4  4 DLCworkshop02.esm
 5  5 DLCworkshop03.esm
 6  6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
 7  7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
 8  8 ArmorKeywords.esm
 9  9 ConcealedArmor.esm
10  a HUDFramework.esm
11  b SimSettlements.esm
12  c Homemaker.esm
13  d Armorsmith Extended.esp
14  e Better Locational Damage.esp
15  f Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp
16 10 Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
17 11 BLD - Leveled Lists.esp
18 12 AK2047.esp
19 13 AdvancedRecruitmentBeacon.esp
20 14 M9.esp
21 15 OWR2_CraftableDecor.esp
22 16 OWR2_CraftableDecor_CW.esp
23 17 M2216.esp
24 18 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
25 19 BetterSettlers.esp
26 1a BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
27 1b EveryonesBestFriend.esp
28 1c LongerPowerLines3x.esp
29 1d Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
30 1e Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
31 1f Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
32 20 Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
33 21 Companion Infinite Ammo.esp
34 22 Loot Detector.esp
35 23 WastelandFashionAccessories.esp
36 24 BTInteriors_Project.esp
37 25 MP40.esp
38 26 BTInt_Optimization.esp
39 27 Some Assembly Required (Legendary Patch).esp
40 28 BetterGenerators.esp
41 29 ConcealedArmor.esp
42 2a Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp
43 2b Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp
44 2c Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp
45 2d Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp
46 2e Better Perks.esp
47 2f Better VATS - 0.75.esp
48 30 Immersive HUD.esp
49 31 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
50 32 FunctionalDisplays.esp
51 33 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp
52 34 CrimeTown.esp
53 35 Atomic World.esp
54 36 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
55 37 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
56 38 Some Assembly Required.esp
57 39 More Radstags - Triple.esp
58 3a M1Garand.esp
59 3b M1Garand - AWKCR.esp
60 3c OWR2.esp
61 3d SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp
62 3e My_Minutemen.esp
63 3f Crafting Mastery.esp
64 40 Give Me That Bottle.esp
65 41 SurvivalOptions.esp
66 42 ColorfulSurvivalIcons.esp
67 43 No Fusion Core Drain.esp
68 44 CircuitrycraftBE.esp
69 45 SimSettlements_XPAC_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp
70 46 Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp
71 47 Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
72 48 Survivalist GoBags-Chem Station.esp
73 49 OWR.esp
74 4a Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
75 4b ImmersiveScrapping_SeasonPass.esp
76 4c OWR_CraftableDecor.esp
77 4d OWR_CraftableDecor_CW.esp
78 4e RAO - OWR patch.esp
79 4f SurvivalOptions_GiveMeThatBottlePatch.esp
80 50 Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp
81 51 Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp
82 52 Crafting Mastery - Legendary Extras.esp
83 53 Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp
84 54 Crafting Mastery - Patch Immersive Base.esp
85 55 Crafting Mastery - Patch (Hard Ammo).esp
86 56 Crafting Mastery - Patch (Hard Ammo FH).esp
87 57 Crafting Mastery - Patch (Hard Ammo NW).esp
88 58 Crafting Mastery - Patch Immersive FH.esp
89 59 Crafting Mastery - Patch Immersive NW.esp
90 5a FunctionalDisplays-AID-Vanilla.esp
91 5b FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp
92 5c Gunsmith Extended.esp
93 5d GunmetalWeaponSkins.esp
94 5e Building Materials Dispenser.esp
95 5f GunmetalWeaponSkins-Gunsmith-Patch.esp
96 60 Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp
97 61 SpawnSettlerButton.esp
98 62 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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- Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp always goes to the very bottom.

- Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp & Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp to the top.
- Some Assembly Required (Legendary Patch).esp goes below Some Assembly Required.esp

Your best bet is to deactivate all mods and then turn them on a couple a time to find the one that's causing the problem.

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- Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp always goes to the very bottom.

- Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp & Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp to the top.

- Some Assembly Required (Legendary Patch).esp goes below Some Assembly Required.esp



Your best bet is to deactivate all mods and then turn them on a couple a time to find the one that's causing the problem.


Thank you, trying it out now.



Still crashing randomly. :/ Time to check the long way.

Edited by whiteLeper
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