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Gods of Gaudium: Rp thread


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Salathia never showed any respect or kindness towards Eylandria and never really cared to. She believed that she was not to be trusted. They never talked to each other but they occasionally glanced at each other in disagreement. She spent many hours in chamber hoping that they would never cross on darker circumstances than a simple meeting. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Tenebris chuckled slightly as he predicted what had crossed the angel's mind. If so many mere mortals knew would not one of the most prayed-to gods in all of the land know of him and his 'crime'? Tenebris knew a great deal of all the happenings of the realm due to his eyes and ears, the shades, and his numerous followers, whether he liked them or not. He could also sense Elyandria's contempt for him. Pathetic, he thought. The goddess of dark pacts sneering down her nose at me. You want balance? Then cease the petty squabbles, the backstabbing, the betrayal, the incessant wars, if the other gods would cease directly influencing mortals and would stop visiting the mortal realm to meddle then there would be balance. Tenebris cast a weary eye around the stream before he addressed the angel again, "I am Tenebris, God of Darkness and the messenger of the Elder God. As you well know, many of the other gods are not happy with your dissension, they are unnerved. Not I, I can help keep you from their wrath and you can live a normal existence, even carry on with your old duties and help the mortals." Tenebris began. This angel seemed an agreeable sort, Tenebris did not want to bend him to his will, rather he would have him become another messenger of the Elder God's message of caution, it would also gall Elyandria to no end if she could not harm this angel. She had always seemed arrogant and haughty to him, since her first days as a goddess. Her manner earned her the rather exclusive title of one of the only gods that Tenebris detested. It was time she learned respect for her elders.
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Illius listened carefully to what the voice said. Which as it so happens is the voice of Tenebris, God of Darkness. "Great! Another God." The angel thought but strangely enough this God does not want to harm him. Why does this God want to help him when others want him dead. He was sure that Elyandria isn't the only one who wants his death. "What do you want in return?" The angel asked as he held the cloth in his hands, still covered in blood.
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Tenebris smiled slightly, mortals and angels have even worse trust issues than deities he thought. "My purpose is to remind the world of the dangers of power, just as the legacy of Vita and Mort does. I spread this legacy and message throughout the lands, I would have you do the same. Not a large task to be sure, caution against power for power's sake and the abuse of it for personal gain and illogical vendettas, things that you seem to already value. More importantly I want you to live-no, I want you to thrive. I want you to be so immensely influential in the world with your words of wisdom and caution that Elyandria can't help but scowl because she can't touch you. It's time the other Gods learned a thing or two about dynamic equilibrium and meddling. That is what I ask of you, and in return I shall shelter you from Elyandria and the other Gods that would do harm to you and I shall give you my knowledge so that you may help better the world." Tenebris rambled slightly, not uncommon but the lack of prose was to be sure. He didn't catch himself getting passionate in time. That was happening more often than not now, perhaps he to was changing, but for good or ill he could not say...
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Illius pondered for a moment. Tenebris wasn't asking much and he really needed someone who could actually help him. But what if he's not saying everything there is to say? He didn't know what to do. For the first time in his life, Illius is on his own and he has to make decisions he never though he would or need but time had changed. His own life was turned upside down because the angel had decided to 'rebel' against his God.

The angel glanced at his bloody reflection in the water and sighed. "Alright. This seems fair, I agree."

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