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Mods not starting with the game after installing F4SE


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I had several mods installed and they were happy. I wanted to add The wasteland Codex and Transfer Settlements mods to my game.


I installed F4SE from http://f4se.silverlock.org/ and got it running, verified via the console, installed the mods and finished my game


On the next run however the mods were not loaded, after much Troubleshooting, it seems that I had to enable them in the game it's self.

While trying to modify the load order or just to install mods, the ../AppData/Local/Fallout5/plugins.txt file keeps getting to to read only. I'm not blaming F4SE, but I have no idea what can be causing it.


Note I did rename files and set the FO4 .exe file in the F4SE ini file.


Attached are the loot listing and the information from the plugins.txt file



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I found the issue, I renamed the Fallout4.exe to fo4.exe, and rename the F4SE launcher to fallout4.exe and put the .ini file for F4SE telling it the fo4 name. (So I can launch it from steam.)


This made NMM and LOOT well... It made them VERY unhappy. They didn't like it at all.


Lesson learned.

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