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CTD Tip for Skyrim SE


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In order to find why its crashing, here's how I do it:

1) Activate all mods as usual, see where it crashes

2) Deactvate all mods except Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition (Should be at very top)

3) Activate 5 mods at a time to see if you get a crash

4) If you get a CTD, deactivate one of the last 5 mods and try find out which one it is

5) If you not get CTD, repeat step 3 until you get a CTD

6) If you get a CTD, go to the SkyrimSpecialEdition Nexus and see if there has been an update

7) Keep repeating Step 3 to find other mods that might give CTD and repeat Step 6 if you get a CTD.

8) You should have all mods activated by now and game loads like normal

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Good tips but first of all, have a proper load order, reading mod descriptions / posts and find out compatibility issues between mods that you are downloading or bug information about each one on them.


I have not had the need to do what you suggested because I do first what I said in my previous sentence but your tips are good.

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