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how can i do a bow-killmove


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As I understand it, kill moves should only happen a fraction of the time when two conditions are met: you do damage that actually kills the target and the target is the last one in range. If, say, three foes are attacking, you only have a chance of a kill cam when the last one is killed.


I've been getting kill cams for bows pretty frequently. In fact, it seems to be glitched a little, because I've gotten kill cams for foes that didn't die and for foes that were not the last targets standing. I have no idea why you aren't getting them at all.

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I think its a lot to do with good aim and timing, you cant rush your shot or take to long over it ether, and you have to get your aim right at the perfect moment in the chain from drawing your bow to the release, I get this a lot when I take care over a shot so its defiantly possible to get a highlight reel bow kill as I call them.


Just wanted to add that the statement above is incorrect about the target been the last one in range, I have had consecutive bow kill moves when in the same area of combat with multiple opponents.

Edited by KillerSkark1978
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It's very rare. I installed Killmove+ (I think that's the name), and I get them more often now. They are pretty cool, better than Fallout 3's slow motion kills.
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I just got one just now against a Troll, and it did not even kill the Troll just left it down critically wounded hopeless on its knees waiting to be finished but still was not dead, so must not have to be a death blow to get a highlight on you critical hits at least with Bows.


I still think the timing theory is valid it seems to be I get them for good steady well placed shots where I just bite the right time, I think you have to be still and in good position when you take the shot, and get good timing from the draw to the release, its kind of not to quick like moments after you have the bow fully drew back but not instantly, just remain still when you draw the bow them take aim but wait until you have the bow fully drawn back and are in good position before you move to take aim, and dont move feet just take aim by looking round not physically moving your character, then once you have good aim no stalling you should already have you bow ready and drawn back, so just steady your position via a quick halt of all movement and let the arrow fly,


Entire process has to be in a good controlled timely manor but not rushed, kind of like hand weapon attacks where you are better of timing your blows and not button mashing but instead waiting for your current strike to complete before pressing again for the next. I think its just the same here all about timing, and like I say I get this a lot when I use the Bow and thats pretty much how I take my shots, and am not using any kind of Mod to enhance such features. nut having said that I am Wood Elf so could also help with Archery been oen of his natrual strengths based on race,

Edited by KillerSkark1978
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It was pretty rare for me too, but I recently installed The Dance of Death killmove mod, and since then I've gotten loads. I believe there's a console command that ups your chance of getting killmoves. I would recommend looking that up if you're really insistent on avoiding mods.
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I get them pretty often, even when I miss, as others have said. I also got one from just running up to a mudcrab and doing Flame on it.
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