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The Pythagore: A rifle that I do not know how to make.


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Wagwan beautiful people

So I had a very silly, but hopefully somewhat creative idea, I wanted to fling at you guys to see if it's even possible

It involves some fun GCSE Maths too, so yeah, cool right?


Anyway in Fallout 4 I wanted to create a rife that when fired would do the following in order

  • Target for a variable 4-5 second
  • Upon target completion (Note this is ADS only with a scope for this reason) spawn a gun a fixed distance away from player and fire a 0 spread round that will pass a fixed point a certain horizontal distance away from the target then de-spawn the weapon
  • Upon reaching this point will send a red non lethal beam that will await the passing of another round
  • This round will be shot on a 45 degree angle from the gun aimed at being a set distance from the target also
  • When round 2 passes by the beam it will too spawn a beam
  • When these two collide the enemy in the supposed centre of the beam will be blown up with some pretty animations too

Now I haven't modded guns in FO4 or really any games before but I wanted to see if any of these steps are achievable and any that aren't if there is a workaround present


Hopefully you at least like the idea

10 points for creativity too ye?

#HugsNKisses xoxo



Edited by MistaOmega
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i've sent a long-form response via PM.

do you have a visual representation of what you envisage,

such as a pen-n-paper sketch or simple .gif animation etc?


I think it might be possible to achieve a semblance of what you envisage,

via a "2D-3D" approach, utilizing decals and animation-surfaces which are placed around the target.

the targeting routine would likely be similar to RuadHan2300's blink grenades,

or to JetSteele's "teleport to anywhere" project.


the trickiest part, is in keying the animation-surfaces,

though if it was possible in stuff like Genji, Dissidia and KH,

surely there'd have to be a way.


games like linear-expressions usually,

so making a semblance toward a non-linear field type floating-point thing,

requires logic and taking the limit of an infinite series type of thing.

like, sieve of eratosthenes etc.

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