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The Oblivion Gates Reopen


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i think it would be cool if there was some sort of small mythic dawn recreation,

and so you'd randomly find some mythic dawn agents having a ritual that attempting to open an oblivion gate.


the gate would be simple, some stones, and ou can use the conjuration summon sphere, and color it red-ish orange and have it be an automatic door.

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not to be mean or anything... I remembered that someone said that Martain/Akatosh KILLEd Dagon.. Not banished him. XD


What David said.


Besides, you're forgetting the quest in Skyrim to get Mehrune's Razor... It has you talking to Mehrunes Dagon.


Pretty sure dead stuff aren't supposed to speak and give you quests. Then again, it IS The Elder Scrolls.


I don't see why people are whining about lore? You actually want a mod not to happen because it is lore breaking? Are you for real?!

Beside it CAN fit the lore. We closed the Oblivion gates for good. Allright. Since when can "for good" actually be considered trust-worthy? It's been over 200 years since the crisis, and Dagon has been reborn. We can easily think of a reason to try this again, maybe Dagon is back for a second round, maybe another Daedric prince is trying to invade, and maybe Martin became a daedric price, WHO CARES really? This mod can and should happen.

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Would be fun to play, would make absolutely zero sense lore wise as I'm pretty sure after the oblivion crisis it was impossible for oblivion gates linking Nirn And Mehrunes realm of the deadlands to be established...though I could be wrong


Impossibru... unless there were buried gates that nobody knew about. Ewww... that is perhaps a bit too hollywood.

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Would be fun to play, would make absolutely zero sense lore wise as I'm pretty sure after the oblivion crisis it was impossible for oblivion gates linking Nirn And Mehrunes realm of the deadlands to be established...though I could be wrong


Impossibru... unless there were buried gates that nobody knew about. Ewww... that is perhaps a bit too hollywood.


Like the Meme reference :D -but no not impossible, they say that Sean Bean (who died of course) in his sacrifice: (in the voice of Patrick Steward) "close shut the jaws of Oblivion forever" Through Akatosh and whatever - but you can still summon them through magic? right? summon them to fight for you? I'm pretty sure that if this is possible, there's a way to go back :) and if the way that we choose to travel is through a Retro oblivion themed doorway - thats just fine :)

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Would be fun to play, would make absolutely zero sense lore wise as I'm pretty sure after the oblivion crisis it was impossible for oblivion gates linking Nirn And Mehrunes realm of the deadlands to be established...though I could be wrong


Impossibru... unless there were buried gates that nobody knew about. Ewww... that is perhaps a bit too hollywood.


Like the Meme reference :D -but no not impossible, they say that Sean Bean (who died of course) in his sacrifice: (in the voice of Patrick Steward) "close shut the jaws of Oblivion forever" Through Akatosh and whatever - but you can still summon them through magic? right? summon them to fight for you? I'm pretty sure that if this is possible, there's a way to go back :) and if the way that we choose to travel is through a Retro oblivion themed doorway - thats just fine :)



I have had this idea for a long time, but thought noone would wanna do it. I was completely wrong. I cant start it, but if I have the recources ill definatly help. It would be great. Also, a dragon goes in, daedric dragons anyone?!?!!


Linky1 :)

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I think it's an awesome idea, it's not more "Anti lore" than Mehrunes Lair/shrine which Daedra inside.. (unless they'd been hiding there for 200 years)

I can't mod but if you ever need lore guidance, writing, voice acting or maybe just talk about ideas i'd love to :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually building the deadlands of Mehrunes Dagon for my next daedra mod using Skyrim Monster Mod for the enemies :biggrin:


I've retextured quite a few dungeon pieces for the interior cells, which are looking quite authentic. I'm working on getting the red sky working, shouldn't be too hard just need to work out how to localize it to an exterior area rather than adding weather to interior cells.


Actually if anyone reading this knows how to do this PM me, I doubt I will have time to return to this thread because while working on this daedra mod i'm working on an immersion add-on for Momod and will have very little time for browsing the nexus. :thumbsup:

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