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We'd be happy to have you, Alaylyne! :thumbsup:


Mythic said everything I wanted to say, except in proper English! :laugh: The insults towards Amber can be toned down but it all depends on the situation. I will say nothing towards her a few times but not always.



That's basically all I ask. I will make sure Jennie is around, so if you want to do the whole Circumvent talking to demon by talking to her thing, go right ahead.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm sick and thus can't spend a lot of time online. So please carry on without me. I will pick up from where I left. If you wish you can wait for me or go on a hunt instead of going directly to Maine.


I hope I made it at least a bit clear in the RP that I want July to be the only one from the group aware of the location of the house they'll be going to. :ohdear:

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Yo, Mythic! Thinkin of having an image revamp of Jennie. I know you like pictures of clothes, soooo... http://passionalboutique.com/store/images/NBL1.jpg there's Jennie's new coat. She will wear it over a simple black tank top, perhaps with a print of an anti possession glyph, (ordinary people would just think it's all gothic style and since she gets looks for her hair anyway) simple, black pants, perhaps tighter to her form, and her comfortable black combat boots. (they got a sheath to hide a knife in them :D)


I may drop Amber. It appears that I picked the wrong character to have around a group of hunters with demon issues. I may think up a replacement char, should Naktis say yes. Actually, I'll get to work on a character sheet anyway, just to be on the safe side. Should she say yes, it's primed and ready. Says no, well, save it for later. :D thinking of an Irish hunter.. maybe a female, or an old priest named Alexander Anderson :D (kidding, maybe)

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Name: Father Alexander Anderson


Age: 45


Race: Human


Gender: Male


Appearance: 6 foot 4, short, spiky blond/greying hair, brown/tanned skin, blue eyes, a heavy-set squared jaw, and constant stubble. He also has a large, wedge-shaped scar on his left cheek. He has prominent canines, long enough to be noticed, and is lean with broad shoulders. He is well muscled, and strikes an imposing figure.


Armor/Clothing: A long, grey cassock with white trim and royal blue lining. Round glasses with a steel frame, black pants, comfortable black boots, black shirt with blue trim, white gloves, and a silver cross around his neck that occasionally reflects gold when caught in the right light. His gloves have the following written on them; on the left glove, there is the phrase "Jesus Christ is in Heaven" and the Right glove has the phrase Speak with the Dead". Both gloves have a cross on them. He also has several protective amulets, anti possession and other things.


Weapon(s): He wields a pair of blessed bayonets, a sword type that was eventually adapted to be used on the end of a rifle, as well as several blessed throwing knives, all made of silver, a shotgun, from which he can fire salt shells, regular, slug shells, and he possesses a small, specially consecrated knife that can kill demons.


Personality: Alexander Anderson normally appears as a calm and collected priest; he worked at an orphanage in Italy and acts very kindly towards the children under his care. During battles, however, he reveals a darker side. Anderson carries an obsession for what appears to be his "crusade," and occasionally quotes passages of the Holy Bible as he speaks. He is extremely determined to achieve his end, however he abhors the methods chosen by his boss to put it in motion. In battle, he is merciless. He has a habit of hissing during fights, and often loses all control of himself. Despite this, he can stop himself and focus on his mission. He has a measure of self-restraint when innocents are caught in the middle (like tourists) or when someone has caught his admiration (as Whistler did).


History/Background: Anderson used to live in Italy, working with the Catholic Church's secret "Iscariot Division," a group of specially trained priests who would hunt down demons, vampires, basically, most KNOWN monsters. Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, once it was rumored they had to deal with a leprechaun, but that could have just been bar tales. Anderson, while a priest, is no stranger to the drink. His voice usually sounds Scottish, but in truth nobody is quite certain where the imposing priest is from. He was found on the steps of the church in a basket with a piece of paper, on which was written his name and nothing else but a ring which he wears on a fine chain under all his clothes. Several years ago, Iscariot Division was involved in an event which resulted in the death of a Bishop, and was disbanded. It was rumored that the bishop killed was either a vampire, who would have been beheaded, or possessed by a demon, and didn't survive the exorcism. Either way, Anderson was allowed to keep the weapons the church had given him, and he was free to pursue his own goals. He tended his orphanage for a year or so, then got tired of all the sitting around. He left the care of his orphanage to the church, and traveled to America. He is currently near New York City, hunting down a yellow eyed demon calling itself Amber. He has heard rumors that it is travelling with the niece of his old friend Whistler, who helped him on a previous assignment in America. He drives a 1956 Chevy Impala (not to be confused with Dean's 1967 Chevy Impala) which is pure white, with silver chrome rims and bumpers, with a crucifix hood ornament.

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Nice sheet, Baldur. Go ahead and post when you're ready. :biggrin:


Ha, by the time you said that, I had already done so.


By the way, his official rank within the church is Bishop, although he will occasionally refer to himself as a "Paladin" which, as most know, is a warrior who fights for a holy crusade of some sort, in Anderson's case, it was also the rank he had earned within the secret, now disbanded "Iscariot Division" of the Catholic Church, in other words, the Catholic Hunters. He was good at his job, but a bit of a radical thinker, preferring to drink and curse rather than Meditate and Pray and Repent and all that. So yeah, he'll only try to convert you to be annoying, and as a joke. He really doesn't care about converting, just killing monsters.


BTW, I need to know the other character's heights. I had intended him to be much taller than most people, with broad shoulders, lean build, but well muscled, etc. Strike an imposing figure and whatnot. Oh, and if you want an idea of what he looks like, I based him off a priest from the Anime "Hellsing Ultimate" so if you Google, "Alexander Anderson Hellsing" you will find pictures of Father Alexander Anderson, with his bayonets and his cross etc.

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