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It's A Supernatural Life


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Oh? And if it was a guy that Amy was interested would you object? this is discrimination, that I will not stand for, Mythic and I aren't going to be explicit. This is the rule. So what? They are having a drink. SO what. She is flirting. That is who my character is. If there was a problem, Auri or Naktis would have expressed it. As It stands, I will not abide by your.. discriminatory demands. You don't like it? Neither of you even Post anymore. What do you care? Sorry for snapping, but I am a Rights Activist in Canada, standing up for the rights of people who have disabilities, or are gay, lesbian whatever. We have the right to put this in the story. Lesbianism is not a sin, or a crime. Live with it.
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Last I checked, That was not your decision, that was Naktis's decision. Stop being a whiny brat and respect thy elders! I asked Naktis, she is fine with the Homosexual Relationship. She runs the RP, she says what is fine or not. Not you. And if you do not cease and desist telling me what to do, I will simply block you. I am tired of you nagging me like a housewife!
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Baldur, Calm down, I do think you are probably over reacting, I'm sure AAN doesn't mean offensive to homosexuals by what he said, he probably just doesn't want to read that sort of stuff


AAN, you probably shouldn't start asking him to stop roleplaying his character like that if he wants to, and from all you know someone reading this topic could be homosexual and find what you're saying offensive, people can take all sorts of things the wrong way, trust me, I know.


But come on, you two, talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill :rolleyes:

Edited by Brutii
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Okay, it is time for me to step in as well.


I have no problem with same sex relationships and as long as it's within the rules of Nexus forums they have a right for this and as long as both Mythic and Baldur wants it.


Please act civil and don't turn this into a flame war or worse. :ohdear:


Thank you.

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