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It's A Supernatural Life


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People started showing interest in this forum Roleplay again, thus it is revived! :dance:


Many thanks to The Vampire Dante for unlocking the topics! :thumbsup:


Please check the first post, for some new rules and... news.


Mythicdawnmaster suggested to move the time a bit forward to 2012 and that's exactly what we'll going to do. Please continue with the RP by filling the gap, explaining what your character was doing, new characters that had no relation to the already existing ones don't need to do this.


If your character went through some or a lot of changes then please re-post the character sheet or if you want to edit it let us know in which page of the Discussion Thread the character sheet is located.


One last thing before we start, we had some arguments in the past. I hope that we all learned from the past mistakes and things will go smoothly. If, however you will start an argument THERE WON'T BE ANY SECOND CHANCES!


Now, welcome back to It's A Supernatural Life and have fun!

Edited by Naktis
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Duly noted, I'm glad this is back. My character sheets will be up as soon as I can get them off of my other pc. My wifi's down, so I have to use my downstairs pc if I want to use the interwebz :C ANYHOO, My sheets for Jenassa and Amber (changing my demon name) will be up shortly. I'll make sure to have whistler's ghost possess some poor shmuck and charge a demon head on yelling "LEEROY JENKINS" at some point too :laugh:
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Name: Jenassa "Jennie" Daily


Age: 25


Race: Human


Gender: Female


Appearance: Short, Black hair (about mid-neck) tanned skin, gold eyes, and blood red bangs, She often wears make-up, dark colored lipstick and eye shadow, and has several facial and ear piercings, specifically one in each eyebrow, a small sapphire stud in the side of her nose, and a lip piercing. She is about 5'9", slender, well muscled and toned, with a smallish figure, and smaller breasts. She has an athletic build, is a fast runner, and a strong swimmer.


Armor/Clothing: Black tank top, baggy black pants with chains Belt with chains hanging off it, combat boots, several necklaces with protective charms and amulets, including a Bone Pentagram, hand carved made by her uncle, Henry, who often went by "Whistler". She has a tattoo of a dragon encircling her left arm, tail at her wrist, and it's head at her shoulder, as well as one of a phoenix on the back of her neck.


Weapon(s): Most of her uncle's old weaponry, which she found in a secret compartment in the trunk of his old 1966 Chevrolet Corvette, Which she inherited from him when he died. This includes a shotgun with normal shells, slug shells, and rock salt shells. It also contains a knife that can kill demons, which she fashioned out of the broken blade of a sword her uncle had owned, A silver dagger, several stakes, both wood and silver, and a bronze Dagger.


Personality: Jennie has her father's temper, being quick to anger. Otherwise, she is more similar to her mother, kind but firm, and not one to back down easily. She has dated both men and women, and is equally comfortable with either gender. Just don't ask her to make you a sandwich. The last man who asked her for a sandwich got thrown out of the house bare arse naked.


History/Background: Jennie has not had an easy life. Her father often lashed out at her when he got drunk or angry, and she was hit a lot. Her aunt, Alice, died many years ago saving her brother Henry from Azazel, the Yellow Eyed Demon. Jennie regretted not being able to spend time with her before she had been killed. Her father occasionally ranted about his brother Henry, saying that it was his fault his sister was dead, etc. One day, Jenassa came home from college to find her mother in the kitchen with a lawyer.

Apparently her uncle Henry had passed away, and she had been left a house, all the items in the house, and an old sports car. She took a semester off from college, due to the death in her family, and drove out to the house she had inherited. She discovered a letter written by her uncle, saying that he wanted her to pick up where he had left off, and to take care of the farmhouse for him. He also told her to look up a woman named "July", saying she was a friend of his. She drove home to her discover her father dead, and her mother in hysterics.

TO protect her family, she left that very night, packing up what possessions she felt she would need, and driving to meet this "July" woman. Jenassa hoped the woman would have an explanation for her as to why she was being dragged into all this.




Name: Amber


Age: 1,000 years old


Race: Demon


Appearance: Although normally shapeless, Amber has taken over the body of a 30 year old headmistress, who has long, honey blonde hair, kept up in a tight bun, glasses, fair skin, and green eyes. She is curvy, and has well toned legs. When her demonic nature is shown, she shows golden yellow eyes.


Armor/Clothing: A strict looking simple grey suit with skirt and flat soled shoes and steel framed glasses. She also has a gray overcoat. This principal was terribly boring.


Weapon(s): Her own powers, or whatever object or gun comes to hand. The principal had a 9 mm handgun in her purse, so Amber uses that when needed as well.


Personality: Cool and calculating, Amber keeps a level head, and uses logic over brute force when she can. She is flirty with both genders, but seldom follows through on anything more than casual banter, or a caress, preferring to use her feminine wiles to lead people along. After all, why get her hands dirty, when she can make someone do it for her?


History/Background: Amber has lived on Earth for quite some time, evading hunters by not drawing attention to herself. She has significant power, while nowhere near as powerful as Lilith or Alastair, has power to at least surpass most demons, enough to influence the look of her "true" eyes, choosing to have them glow a light blue in the same manner as Azazel, who had yellow eyes. She is probably the only demon who works as a hunter, although not the first to work with hunters to take down supernatural beings. She possesses quite a bit of knowledge

having possessed several librarians in the past, and using them to read up on as many supernatural beings as she could. Unfortunately, being as there are so many of them out there, she doesn't know nearly as much as she would like. She is currently cruising around looking for fun, on the principal's black Harley-Davidson Motorcycle.

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Name: Slenderman (Currently has stolen Joseph Griggs body and mutated it into the thing known as 'Slenderman')

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Extremely tall, with arms that reach his knees. Slenderman has no face, so it is not clear how he manages to see. Able to sprout tentacles from his back and limbs, the Slenderman is absolutely terrifying.

Clothing: A business like suit and tie. No one knows wether this is actually clothing or skin. Either way it shows a very intelligent creature attempting to blend in with it's surroundings, clearly this is still useless, as most people do not have no face.

Weapons: Strange Supernatural powers, including: Possesion, Mind control, Hypnotisim, 'Slenderman sickness', Growing tentacles, elongating and shortening his limbs at will, Only visible to people he wants to see him or in pictures or film, Can make modern technology play up or break, Some form of teleportation, Can move very fast, very strong

Background: The slenderman has been seen for thousands of years, changing his clothes to fit in with people from that time, in the past few centuries, he's taking to wearing a business suit and clothing. After stalking a boy called Joseph Griggs in america from the age of 3 - 14, Griggs shot the Slenderman with his dads shotgun. Though he couldn't find the body he thought the slenderman was dead. Shortly after, Joseph shot up to 6'5 from 5'6, it was a drastic increase, but not paranormal. Then his arms began to grow, all the time people assumed it was simply a (drastic) growth spurt. How wrong they were. By 17, Joseph had hit 8'5. His eyes sank into his skull, his nose also sank in, his hair fell out and his mouth sealed up. A note was found in his room the next morning. It simply read: 'I did it. I had escaped the nightmare that was hunting me. Or so it seemed. It was then that I discovered Slenderman does not let his victims escape. He only chooses to. I have taken his physical body, and in doing so, he has taken my mind. I am Slenderman.' Joseph Griggs was now the Slenderman; a stalking predator which took victims from all over the world, from Japan to France to America.


Even few hunters believe he exists, and those which do have tried to clasify him to no prevail. Most believe he is some form of demon, but since he has no eyes it is impossible to tell what kind he is. All that is known is that the Slenderman as an entity is very powerful. Few hunters have encountered the slenderman, and fewer still have survived such a sighting.


Personality: It is unclear exactly what he wants, but often people will disappear without a trace once they have been stalked by slenderman for long enough. Sometimes, Slender man protects children, acting as an unwanted, extremely violent gaurdian angel, though eventually will take the children. Wether he kills all the people he takes, some of them, or simply takes them to some unknown location is unclear, though some think he does all. In anycase, his personality is either Agressive or Passive Agressive, though rarely he can be totally passive. It is unknown what exactly infulences him to change his method or why he takes people.




Edited by Brutii
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Nice character sheets. The eye thing still boggles the mind as demons are not walking around with their true eye colors but I guess it's no big deal. It's not like they give any special abilities or anything.


Brutii, uhm... there's no such thing as Slenderman in Supernatural and never was.


I also wanted to announce that I changed July's name into Autumn (more goth-like xD) but none of your characters knows about it yet. She'll tell he new 'name' in the RP. I just referrer to her as July in the first post so I wouldn't confuse anyone.


Name: July


Age: 26 years old


Appearance: July is a rather attractive girl with shoulder length black hair and dark blue piercing eyes. She's about 165cm. tall and is rather petite. On her right wrist she has an anti-possesion tattoo. (Link) On her back she has Nine Inch Nails logo tattoo.


Clothing: July is always dressed in black. Usually it's combat boots, black jeans, old and worn T-shirts or hoodies of some sort of metal or rock band, leather jackets or long black leather coats.


Weapons: Smith & Wesson Model 4006 pistol, a Pump-action shotgun and a silver hunting knife.


Background: When July was 14 years with her older brother who at the time was 19 years old witnessed how their parents were murdered by black-eyed people. Her brother started asking around about those people but found nothing. Assuming that the black eyes were a symptom of some mysterious disease they went to a hospital where an older man, Edgar overheard their questions and descriptions and told the kids that their parents were killed by demons.

At first they didn't believe in what the man said but after seeing an exorcism with their own eyes, the two finally believed. July's older brother became a hunter and they both moved in to the Edgar's house where the boy was being taught about supernatural beings and ways how to fight them while July was being home schooled and secretly spying on her brother and his mentor.

Edgar passed away when July turned seventeen. At the time she was already a pretty good huntress herself. The two did not continue living in their mentor's house thus they moved around a lot, living in cheap hotels and hunting monsters.

When July was eighteen she was gravely injured while hunting a Rugaru, to save her life, her brother made a deal with a Crossroads demon but got only 2 years. July failed to save him and when her brother died she was hunting the demon ever since.


Personality: July is quiet but sarcastic, tends to keep things to herself, she is not social as she generally dislikes people and prefers to work alone. But despite the tragedies and dangerous lifestyle she has good sense of humor and is always willing to help. July loves classical rock and metal and old cars.

Edited by Naktis
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Nice character sheets. The eye thing still boggles the mind as demons are not walking around with their true eye colors but I guess it's no big deal. It's not like they give any special abilities or anything.


Brutii, uhm... there's no such thing as Slenderman in Supernatural and never was.


I also wanted to announce that I changed July's name into Autumn (more goth-like xD) but none of your characters knows about it yet. She'll tell he new 'name' in the RP. I just referrer to her as July in the first post so I wouldn't confuse anyone.


Name: Autumn (formerly known as July)


Age: 26 years old


Appearance: Autumn is a rather attractive girl with shoulder length black hair and dark blue piercing eyes. She's about 165cm. tall and is rather petite. On her right wrist she has an anti-possesion tattoo. (Link) On her back she has Nine Inch Nails logo tattoo.


Clothing: Autumn is always dressed in black. Usually it's combat boots, black jeans, old and worn T-shirts or hoodies of some sort of metal or rock band, leather jackets or long black leather coats.


Weapons: Smith & Wesson Model 4006 pistol, a Pump-action shotgun and a silver hunting knife.


Background: When Autumn was 12 years with her older brother who at the time was 19 years old witnessed how their parents were murdered by black-eyed people. Her brother started asking around about those people but found nothing. Assuming that the black eyes were a symptom of some mysterious disease they went to a hospital where an older man, Edgar overheard their questions and descriptions and told the kids that their parents were killed by demons.

At first they didn't believe in what the man said but after seeing an exorcism with their own eyes, the two finally believed. Autumn's older brother became a hunter and they both moved in to the Edgar's house where the boy was being taught about supernatural beings and ways how to fight them while Autumn was being home schooled and secretly spying on her brother and his mentor.

Edgar passed away when Autumn turned seventeen. At the time she was already a pretty good huntress herself. The two did not continue living in their mentor's house thus they moved around a lot, living in cheap hotels and hunting monsters.

When Autumn was eighteen she was gravely injured while hunting a Rugaru, to save her life, her brother made a deal with a Crossroads demon but got only 2 years. Autumn failed to save him and when her brother died she was hunting the demon ever since.


Personality: Autumn is quiet but sarcastic, tends to keep things to herself, she is not social as she generally dislikes people and prefers to work alone. But despite the tragedies and dangerous lifestyle she has good sense of humor and is always willing to help. Autumn loves classical rock and metal and old cars.


*shrugs* no such thing as our other characters either :teehee:


Pretty please can I be the slenderman? Please? Please? (bombards with 'Pleases?')




Edited by Brutii
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I'm probably going to try to slide back into this one, but it may be a while. I need to think about Raven's life a little bit and how I want her to progress in four years. Just so you know I'm not coming into this immediately.
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I want to stick as close as possible to the lore that the series provide and there's no such thing as Slenderman. There's one thing to have a character who is human cause humans exists after all but there's quite another thing to be some mythical creature which doesn't even exist in the series.


Auri, hope you'll join us again. Take your time! :thumbsup:

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