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It's A Supernatural Life


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I want to stick as close as possible to the lore that the series provide and there's no such thing as Slenderman.

Theres no such thing as vampires, demons, angels (in my opinion) Djin and shapeshifters either ;D

I was referring to the creatures that exists in the series and not real life.


Blob of black liquid? :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

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I want to stick as close as possible to the lore that the series provide and there's no such thing as Slenderman.

Theres no such thing as vampires, demons, angels (in my opinion) Djin and shapeshifters either ;D

I was referring to the creatures that exists in the series and not real life.


Blob of black liquid? :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:


I told you, I'm going to do everything in my power to make the slenderman here. Even if I have to change him into some demon that possesses people and mutates them into what he sees as right!... Actually... that might be worth a try... :teehee:

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I told you, I'm going to do everything in my power to make the slenderman here. Even if I have to change him into some demon that possesses people and mutates them into what he sees as right!... Actually... that might be worth a try... :teehee:

Demons can't do things like that. :pirate:

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I told you, I'm going to do everything in my power to make the slenderman here. Even if I have to change him into some demon that possesses people and mutates them into what he sees as right!... Actually... that might be worth a try... :teehee:

Demons can't do things like that. :pirate:


*Xenomorph style hiss*

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I'm going to come in as the voice of reason I guess. Brutii, not every character needs to be some over powered creature that can walk through walls or breath fire or whatever. Try making an ordinary human. Also, I have learned the hard way that arguing doesn't help. It tends to make things worse. I suggest you go along with what Naktis says, because you know she COULD just say you can't join at all. Not saying she will, but it is a possibility.


AAN, As naktis stated, this RP is bound to the lore of the series Supernatural. In which, Djin, demons, angels, tricksters, dragons, shapeshifters, wendigo, lots of things that are merely myths and legends appeared. Maybe broaden your mind to encompass this, or watch the series a bit. It's an awesome show, and then you will have more of an understanding of the lore and how to deal with creatures.


Auri, I look forward to when you rejoin. I enjoy working with you.

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I'm going to come in as the voice of reason I guess. Brutii, not every character needs to be some over powered creature that can walk through walls or breath fire or whatever. Try making an ordinary human. Also, I have learned the hard way that arguing doesn't help. It tends to make things worse. I suggest you go along with what Naktis says, because you know she COULD just say you can't join at all. Not saying she will, but it is a possibility.


AAN, As naktis stated, this RP is bound to the lore of the series Supernatural. In which, Djin, demons, angels, tricksters, dragons, shapeshifters, wendigo, lots of things that are merely myths and legends appeared. Maybe broaden your mind to encompass this, or watch the series a bit. It's an awesome show, and then you will have more of an understanding of the lore and how to deal with creatures.


Auri, I look forward to when you rejoin. I enjoy working with you.


I return to my much overused excuse: I'm human, and as I know being human sucks.


As smith says: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

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Name: Amy Spencer


Age: 29


Appearance: Amy stands at 5ft10inch's, and weighs 102 lb-46.5 kg. Amy has a high forehead,gracefully arched eyebrows. Her are eyes large and expressive, framed by beautifully emphasized lashes. Her cheekbones are high and well-defined. She possesses both a delicate nose and ears, a finely chiseled jawline, full, elegantly curved lips and a flawless complexion. Her cheeks are gaunt, giving her a skeletal appearance. Her arms and legs are elongated, and she also has a long neck. She has hair in a mixture of blonde shades, and prefers wearing pale makeup, and dark, glossy lips, usually red. Her eye sockets are usually quite dark, due to a mix of depression, and dark makeup.


Clothing: Amy has an infinite love for designer gear, loving to buy high shoes, and tight dresses. But she also dresses practically, favouring the brands 'Gucci, and Burberry'.


Weapons: Amy has a pistol for self defence.


Background: Amy was born into a wealthy british family in Kensington, going to a private school, and getting what she wanted. But when she was in her teens, her family was killed by demons, and she walked home one day finding them as such. Killed by demons.

When she was 18, legally old enough to inherit her family fortune, she moved to her grandparents old manor house, out in the countryside of england. She took a job writing fashion reviews, but sunk into a deep depression, staying inside her manor almost all the time, and her social skills depleted.

Eventually, around when she was 22, she came out of living a sheltered existance, and began attending catwalk shows. She was recognized as having the traits desired for a model, and was breifly signed with a moddeling agency, but after another depression a year later, she quit, returning to reviews, and hiding inside.

But in 2008, she decided enough was enough, and began investing in small businesses up and down the UK, eventually traveling overto the states. That was when her life changed, meeting July outside an antiques store. After staying with the hunters for a while, Amy eventually just upped and left, confused with relationships, and what the hell she was doing there. She took the plane back to the UK, and tried her best to forget about it all.

In 2009, she returned to catwalk moddeling, walking for mostly british designers, such as Burberry. She was still rather lacking in a personality fit for human contact, but thankfully the "fame" of a model wasn't like that of an actor, she could walk in the streets without being harrased by the press.

For the next 3 years, Amy continued her career in Modelling, walking in a lot of shows up and down the world, in milan, paris, london. She was paid a lot recently for doing campaigns for Burberry, and Gucci. She has a lot of respect in the fashion world, but thankfully most of the general public were not fashion freaks, so she could still go out without being hounded.

But everyday, the memory of her old friends haunts her... perhaps she was wrong to leave them? But whatever the case, she couldn't forget them any time soon. And once again, she's quite depressed, the images of her family dead, and the faces of her old friends made her sink into a dark place, which she managed to keep contained when modelling... usually.


Personality: Amy is still a reserved woman, but the previous aloof, high and mighty nature is mostly gone, she is quiet around people, and is rather depressed most of the time, trying to figure herself out. She can be friendly, kind, and has a sense of humour, but it's mostly transparent, quiet, and untrusting around people.

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Name: Madeline Hollands


Age: 36


Appearance: Madeline is of average height, standing at about 5”6. She is of ideal weight, but her body is not great due to her three pregnancies. She has golden brown wavy hair, and dyes it to stop her grey roots from showing. She has a charming face with slight wrinkles near her eyes. Her lips are not plump but they are not deflated, she has high jolly cheekbones that are slightly pronounced. Her eyes are a greyish colour and she has long eyelashes.

Clothing: Madeline is certainly feminine in the way she dresses, often wearing pink. It is pretty much all she wears, she also deliberately wears cardigans to remind her of Whistler. She also got a pink anti possession tattoo on the back of her neck.


Weapons: A special swiss knife with a bronze knife, and a sharper silver knife.


Personality: Madeline is a very kind hearted woman. She is very amiable in her personality. She is thoughtful, benevolent and sympathetic, if a little too sympathetic. Despite this she can get very defensive, she doesn’t mind empty insults but hates it when people mock her, often taking nasty jokes seriously. She can be overprotective and very squirmish around insects she loathes Kahn Worms.


Backround: Madeline used to live in a rural village in England, she lived in a pleasant but spacious cottage with her children. She worked in a florists shop in the town, arranging flowers and gardening. Her husband spent a lot of time in America, working as a seismologist, earning a more than descent salary. One day after he returned he was attacked by demons and died, Madeline witnessed his death and his children did shortly after. She then moved to America where her husband conducted his research, her 3 children were more than excited about moving away from the “boring country cottage” as they called it. Curious, she did further research into the supernatural then contacted a friend July about it, who revealed that she was part of a group of hunters. If there’s one thing she wanted most it was for her husband to be avenged. So she joined. She wasn’t exactly welcomed warmly but managed to earn their trust. Four years later, she still remains in contact with the hunters.


I'll add more detail to the bio later.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Revamped Sheet! :woot:


Name: Raven Dougherty


Age: 34


Appearance: Raven has long, straight, very dark brown hair (which she keeps in a braid), grey eyes, and a tan complexion. She also has an angular face and a large build for a female. She has recently learned that she is one fourth Blackfoot Sioux, mixed with Scots-Irish heritage on her father's side.


Clothing: She usually wears plaid, button-up shirts tucked into blue jeans, with a pair of brown cowboy boots and a leather jacket to match. Sometimes, she wears a black felt cowboy hat decorated with crocodile teeth and an eagle feather in the leather band.


Weapons: Her grandfather's Ruger Vaquero single action revolver, a hunting knife, a crossbow, and a whip.


Background: Raven has been interested in the paranormal ever since she saw the ghosts of her parents as a girl. Orphaned in a car crash at a very young age, Raven was always suspicious concerning the circumstances of the crash, especially when her grandparents were so tight-lipped about the event. When her grandparents were also killed simultaneously in a similar manner, she became convinced that it was not a mere coincidence. The demon Vance's eventual destruction of her family's ranch and riding school confirmed that the foul servants of Lucifer were involved in each death...and thus, she began her life as a hunter, making it her mission to destroy Vance and his cronies for revenge. She tracked him for about a year before finally confronting him with some fellow hunters, July and Amy. In return for their help, she traveled with them for a while before striking out on her own again, searching for clues about her family's shadowy past.


After much searching and prying for information, she learned that an ancestor made a pact with a particularly powerful demon, promising the souls of every subsequent generation in return for some powerful artifact. At the time, he thought he had actually duped the demon, as he knew he had no legitimate children and did not plan on having any. Unfortunately, he did have a bastard son he knew nothing about, and so the terrible contract was truly valid. The artifact itself was eventually lost, but the contract remained intact. The pact was such that the demon would practically have an unlimited supply of promised souls so long as each generation was allowed to live long enough to procreate. Raven is now attempting to find the demon who holds the contract and destroy him or her. She has found herself in quite a pickle, knowing that if she dies before the contract is somehow annulled, she will go to Hell. She has resolved to seek out her old friend, July, in hopes that the younger hunter can help her. She hasn't seen July in four years, however, and she isn't even sure if the goth girl is still alive.


Personality: She is mostly reserved, but opens up when you get to know her. Raven has a very dry sense of humor and a dislike for people in general; her friends are few.


**Please let me know if her background story is OK**

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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