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It's A Supernatural Life


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I was thinking of having Jennie go through a closure side story. She buried her uncle, right? He died in fire and battle. See where I'm going with this? vengeful spirit! perhaps starting normal, but then going vengeful? She'll have to track down where she buried him, then dig him up, salt him, and burn him. Any one have any objections?
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Just so people know, Jennie has 3 exes. I'm not gonna have an ex for every occasion. One's a Mechanic named John, one's a librarian named Rachelle, and the third's an FBI Agent named Aryne Fairweather. (if the two people I used to know with those names use the Nexus, You'll know I'm referring to you, for those who don't, they were two people used to go to school with, that were best friends. Aryne Fuller, and Katie Fairweather. They were the first names that came to my head other than Sully)
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Hello Fellow Rpers!


I have made a Photobucket account specially for the purpose of archiving what Amy wears, pictures of her car, etc.


Here is the Library:


It's password protected, so that only us rper's, and the readers of the RP can have a look in.


So, if anyone want's me to put pictures of what there character is wearing, driving etc, just tell me, so this will be our little Supernatural archive :tongue:



Password: Supernatural



Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Name: Shaemus "Deuce" O'Malley


Age: 22


Appearance: Sort of short, always wears a leather jacket and jeans with a belt buckle that has a shamrock on it and his signature fedora with a ace of clubs playing card tucked in the band.


Clothing: Black leather jacket, black motorcycle boots and black fedora. His shamrock belt buckle is special as it gives him extreme luck but at a cost of in certain moments his luck takes and equal turn for the worse. Also wears a tattoo on his bicep to protect him from demonic possession.


Weapons: Sawed off 12 gauge shotgun, twin .45 pistols and on occassion a crossbow. During the full moon or a change cycle he prefers his natural fangs and claws. His harley-davidson, a customized motorcycle that he got from his adopted father.


Background: Born in ireland, he grew up wild. An orphan and spent most of his time in one juvenile detention facility after another. When he was about 15 he got adopted by his parole officer and went straight, his parole officer was secretly a Hunter and one night a clan of werewolves came calling and killed his adopted family. He was infected but due to a genetic abnormality he changes but he cannot pass the disease off to others and during the cycles of the full moon he can fight the animal aggression but he still retains no memories of the night before he just knows that during that time he has control, albeit he mostly goes by his impulses.


Personality: Brash and Cocky, Deuce has shown to be charismatic and a loner much of the time. He does possess infoulable luck but when it does backfire it tends to hit him hard, never really financially secure he spends his life drifting around the world, he tends to walk into a high priced casino and hit it big and then just travel on the money he earns. Cursed with lycanthropy he turns on the full moon but because he is a half feral personality he doesn't tend to completely give in and wont attack innocents but he has been known to hunt game much like a wolf would. Just before the change he tends to get aggressive and often he expends that aggression by pounding on the towns local thugs or getting into street brawls and then leaving town to go deep into the countryside to change. He holds himself to a high set of morals that at sometimes can seem flawed but they are what he calls His Code. He generally boils it down to a set of rules. Even though he's a loner most of the time he can be very sociable. He earned the nickname Deuce because he had a trick two-headed silver dollar which he uses in his plethora of magic tricks he knows, likes to say he learned them from another kid when he was locked up and mastered them with his over-abundance of time. Even though hes spent the last decade in america he still speaks with a heavy irish accent which usually lends well to his sex life. His main goal is to track the members of the pack that killed his adoptive parents and by doing so he is a constant drifter, he wears his parents wedding rings on a chain around his neck as a keepsake.

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