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It's A Supernatural Life


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There we go, first post sorry if its rough.

It's great! No worries, I like your long and awesome posts. :biggrin:


After long an boring discussion with myself (don't judge me!) I've decided to switch back to the old name. So let's pretend that July is still July. It's not like that her real name or anything. xD

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Slenderman revised again


Name: Slenderman (Stolen Joseph Johnsons body (Yep, I changed his name)

Age: Unknown

Entity: Demon (Powerful black eyed demon)

Appearance: Tall (7') in a black suit with arms that are slightly longer than normal. The slenderman is, as his name suggests, very thin.

Clothing: A business like suit and tie.

Weapons: Strange Supernatural powers, including:

Possesion (Upon the moment of the death of his current host by any means other than those that would trap him in the body, the slenderman will use this in an attempt to possess the killer. However, this can take time, depending on the will of the person (someone strong willed enough could throw slenderman out completely) )

Mind control,



Invisibility to those he doesn't want to see him (Though this ability fails if caught in a picture or film),



Can move very fast,

Very strong.

Limited Telekinesis

Super stamina

However, with his powers come the weaknesses. Unable to cross barriors of Iron or salt, weakness to holy water (ect) Slenderman can enter holy ground, but it hurts him whenever he is on it, thus he tries to avoid it.

Background: The slenderman has been seen for thousands of years, changing his clothes to fit in with people from that time, in the past few centuries, he's taking to wearing a business suit and clothing. After stalking a boy called Joseph Johnson in america from the age of 3 - 14, Johnson shot the Slenderman with his dads shotgun. Though he couldn't find the body he thought the slenderman was dead. He was wrong. The slenderman had already possessed him. It was to late. Shortly after, Joseph shot up to 6'3 from 5'6, it was a drastic increase, but not paranormal. Then his arms began to grow, all the time people assumed it was simply a growth spurt. How wrong they were. By 17, Joseph had hit 7, the slenderman shaved Josephs head and made a mask, designed to imitate pale white skin, then stiched it to his neck so that it covered his head. No longer was his mind his own. A note was found in his room the next morning. It simply read: 'I did it. I had escaped the nightmare that was hunting me. Or so it seemed. It was then that I discovered Slenderman does not let his victims escape. He only chooses to. I have taken his physical body, and in doing so, he has taken my mind. I am Slenderman.' Joseph was now the 'Slenderman'; a stalking predator which took victims from all over the world, from Japan to France to America.


the slenderman avoids hunters, waiting until he leaves the presence of his targets before taking them.


Personality: It is unclear exactly what he wants, but often people will disappear without a trace once they have been stalked by slenderman for long enough. Sometimes, Slender man protects children, acting as an unwanted, extremely violent gaurdian angel, though eventually will take the children. Wether he kills all the people he takes, some of them, or simply takes them to some unknown location is unclear, though some think he does all. In anycase, his personality is either Agressive or Passive Agressive, though rarely he can be totally passive. It is unknown what exactly infulences him to change his method or why he takes people.

Edited by Brutii
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There we go, first post sorry if its rough.


I like it! :D


After long an boring discussion with myself (don't judge me!) I've decided to switch back to the old name. So let's pretend that July is still July. It's not like that her real name or anything. xD


That's fine with me! I like July's name. :D


Madeline's Outfit is up on the archive too :thumbsup:


Cute! :P

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Brutii, change the appearance thing and everything will be fine. I somehow skipped the part of the sheet, sorry about that.


True form of the demons as it is displayed in the series is black smoke, nothing in the series looks like Slenderman.

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