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It's A Supernatural Life


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After about a week of nagging by Bryce, I have finally checked out the Supernatural site, and found myself interested, and am currently thinking of a character to join.


I'm seeing stuff about demons as characters, would a skinwalker that's also a hunter be okay? (Of course, I could always just make the guy a skinwalker if being both is too much.)


Shut up! I did NOT nag you for a week.. ok.. fine I did.. important thing is that you actually saw sense and looked in to what I said..


*grumble grumble*


:D :D :D :D :laugh: :laugh:

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hehe, there's a difference between not seeing the sense of it and just delaying looking at all of this damn lore I gotta absorb into my cranium, particularily monsters :confused:


Still, this looks like it'll definitely be fun.

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Since im so new, and my knowledge of supernatural is limited im sticking to what I know well, the werewolf background is something I'm keeping but I am indeed show Deuce as a hunter, not just a wolf out for revenge. The trick is I sorta wanna chat and rp with the group but since im a werewolf that might not end well so i'll skirt the other characters and try to stay away. Mostly since I came in so late and secondly cause I'm new to a Supernatural RP
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hm, methinks that my Skinwalker might not be a hunter, but just a regular skinwalker. SO MANY CHOICES!
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No worries, like I said, I changed my mind about the monster being a monster hunter thing, he'll just be a skinwalker.
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first appearance of FBI Ex. She will take care of our little.. fugitive problem, then disappear for a long while, until there's a serious need for her to come in.. as a Fed that is... may have Jennie have coffee or something with her and catch up on what has happened since they dated, that sort of thingy.
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I am currently working on a char sheet for my skinwalker, hooray for me! If there's any changes I need to make, just let me know and I'll fix it.


Name: Gordon Wester


Age: 17


Appearance: As a human, shaggy brown hair but clean-shaven, with green eyes. His nose looks regular, but because he's a Skinwalker he has a very strong sense of smell even while human. His ears stick out a little from his head. As a dog, he's a big Irish Wolfhound with a coat similar to his human hair, shaggy and brown, with a big wet nose and an average tail.


Clothing: Usually a sweater or a hoodie, and jeans, with sneakers on his feet, maybe a baseball cap.


Weapons: If he carries any, usually if he's aware of hunters in the area, Wester carries a .357 calibre revolver in his pocket, with some (but not a conspicuously large amount) of extra ammo.


Background: Wester was raised by a pair of Skinwalkers (pack mentality, they'll stick together I'm thinking.) who made him one when he was old enough. They lived in a ghetto, where their abilities would go mostly unnoticed and where it would be hard to track them down. Wester's original parents are unknown to him, they could be the two Skinwalkers who raised him, or he could be adopted, but he sees the two who raised him as parents anyway. He loved being a Skinwalker, the ability to turn into a dog and everything, and as a result spends a significant amount of time as an Irish wolfhound. He learned that he also liked to check curious things out, and as a result his exploring often leads him to curious places. Recently he's wandered out to the gas station where a werewolf seems to be attacking a clerk.


Personality: Wester has a pack mentality, and as a result is extremely protective of his pack-mates, or friends/loved ones, and can also cooperate with others well. Living in a slum taught him absolutely nothing about minding his own business, and as a result tends to jump into situations, but he can restrain himself if things are dire. Because of his powerful sense of smell and hearing, and the fact that he spends a lot of time as a dog, he is a curious fellow, and will investigate something he finds unusual. When it comes to being in a pack/group, he tends to try and entertain others. He has a beef with people who prey on the weak, despite he himself having to feed off of hearts to survive. He has a moral compass, and targeted gangsters when he could (when I say ghetto, I mean bad part of town where crime and stuff is rampant.) and as such may side with hunters if say, a wendigo is preying on children.

Edited by Flipout6
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Great character sheet, Flipout! Welcome aboard! :thumbsup:


Baldur, I have to say that all of Jennie's exes have awfully comfortable professions for people who dated a huntress. If the FBI agent is going to help Jennie and Amber then it's fine, but only this time. I want no help from them in the future, I really dislike these things you do to make things easier.

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