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It's A Supernatural Life


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Raven brought up the rear, following close behind the others. After a few minutes, she glanced at David, "So. What do you think about all this, newbie?"
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David laughed, the first full laugh he could remember since he arrived. "Right now? I think we should wait up a bit for Madelaine--she's fallen behind in that camper. We don't want her to get lost."
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July had arrived at the bar. She pulled over in the small parking lot in front of the bar. Few cars and motorcycles were parked there as well but she could not see anyone outside. She got out of the car and pulled a shotgun from the trunk. Now, that she was outside July noticed how quiet it is here. No people, no music coming from the building just birds and insects.


It was strange how this bar was not so far from Jim's and Whistler's places. The only way to reach this bar however was to drive on a byway which was also rather strange it's like the bar was just recently built here...


July closed and locked the trunk and leaned against the car, waiting for others to arrive.

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Amy pulled up, and noticed July leaning against the trunk of her car. She got out, and closed the door behind her, looking around at how... empty this place was... it was quiet... far to quiet... Amy pulled out her pistol and looked around "July... what the hell is this place? it doesn't feel... natural."
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Madeline was now level with Raven's car, she looked over and winked at David. She arrived at the bar some time later and also noticed July. She parked her car and got out. She took a deep breath and walked towards Amy and July. The place looked pretty abandoned.. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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"I wish I knew." July said as she glanced at the building in front of them. She was anxious to see what is waiting inside but she wanted everyone else to arrive first so they could all go together.


He sensed that the people he sent the message to were outside of the bar waiting for the rest of them to arrive. Nathaniel walked in the bar, corpses of the people who could not take in his true form lay on the floor. The music box in the bar was playing quietly, It's The End of the World by R.E.M. kept playing. It's the end of the world as we know it. It's the end of the world as we know it.... The same sentence kept repeating itself. Nathaniel touched the music box with his hand and the looping stopped. Now he only had to wait...

Edited by Naktis
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