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It's A Supernatural Life


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July saw how everyone got to their cars and drove off, demons chasing them. She on the other hand had another problem. Demons were in her way and she couldn't reach her car so she had to retreat back to the bar. They had here surrounded and the only option she had was to either run through the fields like crazy or salt every entrance to the building to buy herself some time. She couldn't call for help because she left her cellphone in her car.


She ran inside and closed the door. "Where is that stupid salt!?" She thought as she rummaged through the kitchen. Thankfully she found some salt but it was enough to salt only the windows. She sighed heavily and glanced at the ceiling. "I need some help down here!" She stood and waited for something to happen, her shotgun pointing at the door. "Hello!?" She shouted again but yet again nothing happened. "Please?" Then the door flew open and the demon ran in, she shot him.

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Whistler gunned his car until he was over the border of his farm. The barriers would hold the demons, but not for long. He rushed up to the farm.


Sarah shouted at Amy, "Get to Whistler's! He's got an armory! And a bunker, and a blessed border around the place there is nothing that could get in!"

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Raven's tires skidded as she pulled up to Jim's store and parked, then ran towards the trunk. Her cell phone had been ringing off the hook, but she hadn't been able to answer for fear of losing control of the Mustang. As she grabbed her weapons out of the trunk with one hand, she answered the phone with the other, "Yeah?" Edited by AurianaValoria1
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July kept shooting every demon that entered the building but she knew that she will run out of shells soon and the rest of her ammunition is in her car which she won't be able to reach alive because demons just kept pouring inside. She could not remember the exorcism spell so sending the bastards back to hell wasn't an option.


July wasn't praying for a miracle because she was unsure if she even wants to be saved... she only hoped that others are in a better situation than she is.

Edited by Naktis
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"Got it," Raven hung up, then ran into the store, "Jim! Get in here! We're being followed!"


"What?" she heard him call from outside. He hobbled into the store with a concerned look on his face.


Raven began grabbing bags of salt, "I said we're being followed! Demons!"


"Dammit!" Jim cursed, grabbing his shotgun from under the counter, "What in the Hell did you do to have that happen?"


"We didn't do anything!" Raven shouted, tucking a box of iron bullets under her arm, "A freaking angel appeared and told us all Hell was going to break loose. Literally. Now let's get to Whistler's bunker and see just how brilliant the thing really is!"

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Whistler limped into the living area and pressed the panel to open the Armory. Then he goes into it and starts checking the sprinkler systems and all the other precautions against demons. He grabs a couple bags of road salt and walks out to the road. he starts tossing it across the borders to make a crude bridge to the door. A few moments later, he made a bridge of salt from the border of his lands to the front door of Jim's store. He limps back as fast as he can, and grabs his Shotgun from inside the house,
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