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It's A Supernatural Life


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Sarah felt a lot better after she drank all the soda from the bar. She kissed Amy, and says "I promise you I am going to return. July got left behind and I am worried. I am going to grab a gun or two and help her." Sarah runs into the house, into the Armory, and grabs two assault rifles, with some custom magazines full of Silver bullets, and a shotgun with some rock salt cartridges. She teleports back to the bar, and sees the demons start to enter. she pulls out the assault rifle, and starts spraying bullets at them.



Whistler continued making his checks on his security systems.

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They arrived at the safehouse. David leapt out of the camper, running to retrieve his shotgun from Raven's trunk. He could see five figures on the distant horizon, approaching fast. He ran into the safehouse and found Jim. "Do you have any more offensive defenses!? Mounted weapons or something like that?"
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July was hitting demons with her shotgun she ran out of shells and this was the only way how to fight. She was outnumbered and cornered and hurt quite badly. July backed away towards the wall. She saw Sarah and frowned. "Oh so now she appeared when most of them are unconscious." She thought.


Hoping to find at least one shotgun shell she shoved her hand into a pocket but instead of the shells she found something else. A small peace of paper. She looked at it and saw an exorcism spell. It wasn't there before.


"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,


omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii,

omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.


Ergo, draco maledicte.

Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire,

te rogamus, audi nos."


She recited the spell from the paper and all the demons were sent back to where they belong. During the egzorcism she received even more hits. July tried to laugh but it hurt. "I need a hospital." She said and walked outside.

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"There is no time. I can heal you." Sarah says, briskly. "You are needed at Whistler's place. A lot of demons followed the rest of the group to there. I can heal you if you need." Sarah places a hand on July's shoulder, and pours power into her, restoring her injuries.


Whistler finished making his checks and goes to get ammo.

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July avoided Sarah's touch and spun around to face her. "Don't touch me." For a moment she just glared at her but then she started walking towards her car. She was angry at others for leaving her alone and that it took them this long to notice that she wasn't with them.


"I'm sure you all have everything under control. You don't need me." She said and opened her trunk and put the shotgun where it belongs. Just in case she took a pistol and closed the trunk. She glanced at the building and sighed.

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Sarah was livid, "This is no time to get b*tchy at us. We had a crowd of demons on are asses. We don't always have time to check for others. I got sent to make sure you were OK, and to get you there in one piece. Now, I am going to follow those orders. Whether you like it or not."


Whistler started bringing up ammo crates from the Armory, wondering what was taking people so long.

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July got into a car. "Just try your super powers on me and I will shoot you in the face. I'm not kidding." She said in an annoyed tone. She wasn't joking. The only thing she wants to do now is go to the hospital and have some rest. She noticed that the trickster was angry but she didn't care.
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"You wouldn't have a chance if I turned on you, I could f*king kill you right now, if I wasn't under an oath. Fine, I will let the rest of them know what you have chosen." Sarah looked furious, and fired a shot into the air and vanished. She reappears at the farm beside Amy. "July is being a b*tch. I offered to heal her and she went to the hospital instead. So we are one short here."
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"Yeah I'm sure I wouldn't." July mumbled and started the engine. She hoped that the hospital isn't far.


She drove to the city. Some song she never heard was playing on her favorite radio. She always preferred to work alone and somehow she felt slightly relieved that she's alone again. "Hello July." A calm voice suddenly spoke. She lost control of her car for a moment. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" She shouted as she glanced at the angel sitting in the passenger's seat. "Don't scare people like that when they're driving!" "I apologize." Nathaniel said and eyed July. His intense stare was really creepy but she decided not to say anything. For a moment they drove in silence.


"Oh. Back at the bar, thanks for your angelic assistance. I almost died out there." She said and looked at the angel before turning her attention back to the road. "But you didn't." He replied and looked through the window. "Aren't you suppose to be like guardians or something?" The hunter asked. "Angels are warriors of God." "Well nice work back there, warrior." July yet again felt his eyes on her but this time it was even more intense and more creepy. "I am not here to sit on your shoulder. Do you think that armies of Heaven have nothing better to do than to follow you and your friends?" Nathaniel said and his words were followed by more awkward silence.


Without saying a word he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Hey! What are you..." She wasn't expecting this surprise touch but strangely all the weariness and pain were gone. Even her clothes were clean without any holes in them. "Thanks. I guess..." "You're welcome." July when realized something else. "That piece of paper in my pocket. With the exorcism spell... was it your doing?" The angel looked at the young hunter and nodded. "You should help the others..." "I did help. The number of demons that were after them was largely decreased." "That's good." July thought but didn't say anything back. "Will you be coming back to the others?" The angel asked. "I'm not really good at working with others. I feel like a third wheel most of the time." She wanted to add something more but the angel was gone. "Whatever." She thought and turned up the volume.


Nathaniel appeared outside the farm. Some demons saw him but he managed to kill them either by a touch or his blade. Luckily for him the demons were lower-level which were not difficult to kill for him.

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