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It's A Supernatural Life


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The woman just started wide eyed at Whistler. It was obvious that she remembered most if not everything what happened and what the demon did while she was possessed. She looked around the room fearfully, watching every person who was inside the room. "M... my name is G... Grace." The woman spoke.


Nathaniel watched the woman with the same emotionless look on his face which made the woman even more uncomfortable. "Don't stare like that. You're scaring her." July said and nudged him in the side rather gently. The angel then looked away from the woman and stared at the others in the room instead.


July approached the bed slowly and smiled to the woman. "We know that you are scared but do you remember something useful like a name or a location?"


For a moment Grace said nothing. She tried to remember something that would help these strange people so that they would finally let her go home. "There was... I remember an abandoned warehouse but it wasn't in a city. It looked more like a ghost town." She looked at the hunters again. "This is all I can remember. Please, can I go home now?"


July walked up to the others. "Are there any ghost towns somewhere not too far?" She whispered. The information was a bit useful but not entirely. They still don't know how far the demon traveled or from where exactly.

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"I've got just the thing!" Sarah says, and rushes off to the kitchen. She comes back a few minutes later with a cup of herbal tea. "Here, miss. Drink up. This will help with the nerves. We are not your enemies, but here hunting the people who took you. Anything else would be appreciated."


Whistler went to get a map.

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Grace took the cup of herbal tea and thanked Sarah. The tea helped a bit but the only thing she wanted was to go home and forget everything that happened. "I wasn't the only one there... I remember there was this man who spoke to us but I couldn't see him..." She said and finished the tea. "I can't remember anything else."


July took the cup from the woman and placed it on the table. "Thank you for the help, Grace. Tell us where you live and we will get you home."


Nathaniel who did not interfere in the conversation and simply watched finally spoke. "I can bring her home."

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Nathaniel looked at David's hand then at the woman and then at the hunters. "I understand." He assumed that his help is no longer needed so he walked out of the room and vanished without saying anything.


July turned to David and nodded. "Yes. I can do that." She then glanced at the woman. "I'll drive you home. Let's go." Grace got out of the bed where she was sitting and nodded. "Thank you." She thanked all of them and followed July outside.


For a moment July was worried that Grace might pass out once she will she all the bodies outside but she was quite surprised herself that the place was clean. It's like there was no fighting at all. "Must be the angel's work." She mumbled and walked up to her car.

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Raven looked sidelong at David, "So, now what? We've learned next to nothing. The only possible lead we have is the fire problems in Cheyenne,which may or may not be what we're looking for. And I don't know about you, but I'm not too eager to leave the safety of these farmhouses right now. That last encounter was a close call...too close."


The huntress sighed heavily and leaned against the wall. The only reason she had lived this long was luck. Or maybe someone was watching her up above...but ever since her grandparents' deaths at the hands of Vance, she'd been doubtful of such things. How long could she keep going? How far could she push her luck before it ran out? It was getting harder and harder for her to ignore her own mortality.

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Whistler poured over the map, and his thoughts turned to his younger days. He sees when he was a child, playing with his sister, Stephanie. Flash forward to school, getting picked on, and toughening up, kicking the ass of the head bully to make them leave him alone. Flash forward to when his sister took up hunting, and he had told her it would get her killed. Flash to Azazel the yellow eyed one killing his sister, saying she got in the way of his plans for him. Flash back to the present. "Found the town on the map." he says.


Sarah wanders over. "Yep, that looks about right."

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